’60 Minutes’ Kicks Off With Detailed Explanation About Why Trump ‘Backed Out’



  1. pheakelmatters on

    He didn’t want to be fact checked and demanded an apology for things that didn’t happen.

  2. P_a_s_g_i_t_24 on

    >CBS News’ “60 Minutes” on Monday opened with a detailed account from correspondent Scott Pelley on the lead-up to former President Donald Trump bailing on the show’s customary interview with presidential candidates before the election.
    >“It’s been a tradition for more than half a century that the major-party candidates for president sit down with ‘60 Minutes’ in October,” Pelley explained (…)
    >But “a week ago, Trump backed out,” Pelley recalled. “The campaign offered shifting explanations. First, it complained that we would fact-check the interview. We fact-check every story.”
    >“Later, Trump said he needed an apology for his interview in 2020,” Pelley continued, referencing the “60 Minutes” sit-down with Lesley Stahl where Trump bristled over a line of questioning and ended up walking out. (Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung has claimed the 2024 interview was never “locked in.”)
    >“Trump has said his opponent doesn’t do interviews because she can’t handle them. He had previously declined another debate with Harris so tonight may have been the largest audience for the candidates from now until Election Day,” said Pelley.

  3. Ok_Breakfast4482 on

    He backed out because he is a coward who can’t defend his positions with facts or reasoned argument. He prefers softball interviewers who will worship and praise him during the interview.

  4. Trumps storms off in 2020 interview. Harris does full interview in 2024. Trump backs out of interview and debate. But Harris can’t handle interviews according to trump.

  5. Trump is a pussy. That’s why the biggest pussies in America, maga, love him so much.

  6. The_Mike_Golf on

    If a candidate has to make an excuse that the reason they won’t do an interview is because they’re going to get fact-checked, then what the listener/reader/viewer needs to automatically know is that the candidate wants to lie and not be called out on their lies, not to give the interviewer or other candidate the room to call them out on the lie.

  7. Watching from afar in ireland it’s actually scary to think this guy was elected in 2016. And that he holds the GOP in his grip right now. When I dicuss with friends here we are hoping common sense will prevail in Nov

  8. Like he can remember anything, he’s just fed crap by his staff at this point and they hope he can get some of it out before shouting at clouds.

  9. I mean, 3 words would’ve worked. “He’s cognitively unwell.” That’s the reason his handlers pulled him out of the interview.

  10. This loser and his piece of shit VP running mate should automatically be fact checked in real time every time they open their mouths.

  11. Kamala’s response in the interview to Trump backing out was a good one too. She hit the nail on the head. Just go watch his rallies. He makes it clear what is important to him

  12. Helmidoric_of_York on

    Every accusation that Trump has thrown at Harris ends up being a condemnation of his own actions.

  13. redditjunky2025 on

    Could we get a 60 minutes show where Trump knows he will be electro shocked rather than fact checked each time he lied? Would we need to put an emergency generator on stand by?

  14. They should run a piece in its place titled, “These are the questions we wanted to ask” with short clips of the most important questions, either a bit of context/analysis about why those are the most interesting questions. Like:

    1) “How would you minimize disruptions when you deport 21 million people?” Then follow that up with some graphics to show what industries would be affected. Hotels, agriculture, construction, and so on.

    2) “Why do you think your tariffs will be paid by the exporting countries?” Follow that with Econ 101 and data from the last round of tariffs. Mention the trade war it started too.

    3) And so on

  15. The real reason is Dementia Don cannot handle real questions. If he cannot handle CBS, how can he stand up to Putin….oh wait….

  16. Independent-Bug-9352 on

    You know you’re on the losing side of history when fact checking is a red line for your campaign lol.

  17. nylonsbrunette on

    Trump has been called out by CBS, for exactly what most of us have known for a long time. He’s afraid of a real honest interview, where he’s asked hard questions, and he’s fact checked. With less than a month from the election, it took this long before mainstream media finally acted like real journalists. He not only made bogus excuses, but he lied about past interviews. All to make his excuse for not being interviewed.

  18. philljarvis166 on

    Not wanting to be fact checked should be an immediate and permanent disqualification from any public office.

  19. He knows that being in an even remotely unfavorable environment will hurt his chances of winning. He has no Biden to be compared with anymore. 

    The last debate was a disaster for him. So, he’ll stick to friendly environments. Surround himself with sycophants. Musk dancing gleefully on stage while they 69 each other’s egos.

    As for Musk, he is envisioning a President who will praise him as a valuable national resource. Who will follow his guidance on all tech matters, and protect/fund his companies with federal resources. If it fails, I’ll bet he backs off considerably and attempts to rehab his image. Not that he can pretend to be liberal again, but he can attempt to make the world forget and sell himself as a libertarian/fiscal conservative.

  20. Fast_Wheel_18 on

    Because he didn’t want to be fact checked..it’s 60 minutes, they fact checking everybody. Especially since Dan Rather and the whole news organization got sued about 20 years ago. Yeesh, what a coward the Pumpkin Spice Palpatine is?

  21. My favorite part was when Pelle said, “He cancelled because he’s a little bitch living in an alternate reality of his own making” only in different words.

  22. WaitUntilTheHighway on

    Trump has got to be the biggest pussy to ever run for, let alone be, the President

  23. AiMwithoutBoT on

    I remember when people told me that a woman can’t be president because they’re too “emotional”. Trump can’t even do a 60 minute interview lmao

  24. TheWolf_NorCal on

    His handlers are trying very hard to keep him contained. They don’t want him doing interviews outside of the right-wing media sphere because they know he’s bat shit crazy and does more harm than good with undecided voters or those who are not guaranteed turnout voters.

    Also, he’s a coward.

  25. valleyof-the-shadow on

    What kind of person doesn’t want to be fat checked? A liar and a con man. It’s pretty damn simple.

    Edit: fat check was an error but it fits. He’s lied about his weight as well.