Kamala Harris’ support among Republicans almost doubles: NYT-Siena poll



  1. code_archeologist on

    The non-MAGA Republicans coming to the realization that Trump had only gotten worse and that this election is for the future of the nation.

  2. I’m not sure what to do with this.

    On the one hand, if there’s anything NYT/Siena seems to be able to capture, it’s the opinions of Republicans — even those it calls Democrats. On the other, this poll has been plagued by unlikely results all year…

    I guess I can ignore this one, too.

  3. IPA__________Fanatic on

    A NYT-Siena poll had Trump winning Florida by 13 points today. I’m gonna hold my breath on this one.

  4. Puzzled_Pain6143 on

    Don’t forget to vote straight blue ticket if you’re truly interested in defending democracy!

  5. Slow_Investment_2211 on

    I live in ultra conservative Mississippi. I have seen ONE Trump/Vance yard sign so far with less than a month to go. One…
    They were everywhere the last couple of elections

  6. TheBestermanBro on

    Yeah, I don’t believe this election will be close. Harris has a lead even if the GOP voters fell in line as normal. But there’s a lot of evidence that shows not only will non-MAGA not vote, they might vote for Harris. That’s a loss, a loss, a loss for Trump.

  7. whatzitsgalore on

    I’m struggling with their assumption that the national electorate will be +1% R. It’s a shift from the previous poll’s assumption of an R+4 electorate. That seems to account for a building enthusiasm/GOTV gap but still shows an R advantage in turnout. Not necessarily knocking that assumption but curious about the reasoning.

  8. I’m in central Florida and in the last few weeks I’ve seen lots of republicans for Harris signs. Saw one at the local GOP headquarters but that one was taken down by the next time I drove by

  9. Proportions and prevalence of yard signs are at best a crude indicator of how the presidential vote will result. However, in that regard, the Trump supporters had from late winter to buy their signs or flags. The Harris campaign could only start producing yard signs in late August. When I ordered mine, it took 3 1/2 weeks to arrive so they had a backlog. Thus, comparisons and anecdotes of how frequently people see the respective signs are skewed by these facts.

  10. steelassassin43 on

    She was just on The View and said that she is going to have a Republican as one of her cabinet members. We all can probably expect that to be Liz Cheney who has lost favor with the MAGA crowd but for those that are old school republicans who feel abandoned from all of this may find that good news to hear.

  11. Beatthestrings on

    I keep seeing headlines that suggest a Kamala blowout. The polls say otherwise. What gives?

  12. Frum added: “I do think we’re living through a moment like 1968-74 when the parties change who their voters are … we are seeing a certain type of voter with a lot to lose migrating into the Democratic coalition because it offers stability and a certain kind of voter with less to lose and more alienation migrating out of the Democratic coalition because they don’t feel attached enough to the society and are excited by the Republican promise to take more risks with America.”

  13. Ok great, then why is the polling so tight? Never underestimate the power of stupid in this country.

  14. Basic_Quantity_9430 on

    The sad thing is that 91% of republicans and 3% of democrats will vote for a man who repeatedly shows that he is totally unfit to be anywhere near the Presidency.

  15. whatlineisitanyway on

    What we need to know about that 9% is how many of them voted for Trump in 20′.

  16. …congratulations to all Republicans who free themselves from the Red vs Blue I hate you mentality…we all should want the most qualified and stable (not a felon) individuals leading us/US…political parties may have more voting rights than citizens but moving foward universal ballots and rank voting could help us focus on issues rather than personalities…

  17. The-Spokless-Wheel on

    Remember republicans voted against FEMA help

    Ron said he ignored several calls from Harris when she was calling to offer aid in the wake of Milton

    Why? Because trump told them too just like he told the republicans to vote against the super conservative bipartisan border bill many democrats didn’t like because it was too conservative

    Trump did this all so he could use these issues as ammunition and for him to use for his platform

    While he and his ilk spread lies propaganda and misinformation/disinformation

  18. Something’s wrong with these polls. Polls for various subsets of the population all point to Harris leading – in some cases by large margins, and eroding Trump’s lead in places he’s know to be favored, yet national polls and swing state polls show a tight race. How can both be true?

  19. Brains_Are_Weird on

    But then how is this not affecting the polls in a meaningful way, or the poll aggregates?

  20. theFormerRelic on

    Trump fatigue is real. A lot of people who would otherwise be voting R will sit out or vote D

  21. With all of this positive news, HOW is this election still projected to be a coin flip?!?

    I’m getting nervous in the home stretch. We are not guaranteed a continuation of our liberties and freedoms.

  22. BestWesterChester on

    Check out Facebook and Twitter groups “republicans for Harris” and “Arizona republicans for harris”. There are smart, responsible republicans out there who see Trump for what he really is.

    And if you know any rational republicans, send them to those groups!

  23. vijay_the_messanger on

    Although, her support among magahats has dropped, for some reason 🙂

  24. Secret-_Agent420 on

    Respect to those that put Nation over political party. I know there’s republicans out there that can see through Trump’s Bull shit and false statements without any proof.

  25. Specialist_Mouse_418 on

    I know a few individuals who will always vote trump, but I also know that he royally pissed off my red voting inlaws in Mississippi with “his” bible. So much so that they aren’t voting.

  26. Loyal-Opposition-USA on

    Trump is ruining their party. It would be hilarious if he wasn’t such a threat my family and friends.

  27. ResearcherOk7685 on

    Trump is just a terrible candidate.
    Decent Republicans won’t vote for him. Only his MAGA cultists.

  28. NeitherCook5241 on

    The permission structure to leave MAGA is there. Sane republicans can reject Trump and not be alone on an island. They can remain true to their values and still vote for someone who is not in their party of origin, because so many rational people recognize that Trump is an existential threat to democracy.