Trump Gets Unhinged, Even for Him, Over Kamala Harris ‘60 Minutes’ Interview


  1. There needs to be some psychological (maybe even sociological and criminological) prep for Kamala winning next month.

    If having a Black Man in the White House drove so many people mad, I imagine how having a Black **Woman** in the White Man’s House will derail their sick minds?


  2. Tough interview and she did a really nice job. If that was the standard trump would have been held to, I’m not shocked he chickened out.

  3. Quick_Silver_2707 on

    How’s he going to handle Xi if he can’t even take questions from 60 minutes?

  4. “Even for him.” No, no. That’s the thing about Trump. Voters and media alike need to realize nothing, absolutely nothing is beneath him. He has fully embraced his petty villain persona; that’s what his unhinged fans (the real evil behind Trump) want from him.

  5. I did not watch it. However his reaction tells me the VP must have done well.

    In 2020 the Primary debates she was fire. Dems did not like her because she was fire. They did not like Bernie because he was popular. They decide who they want and they go all in. They decided and were correct that Biden was the path to beat Trump. However if you watch the debate she trounced Biden. I was shocked when she was the VP pick. Honestly a lot of the “Biden selects the first Black…” appointments likely are a result of Harris and how she handled him at the debate.

    Interesting that no Republicans were doubting her blackness in 2020. She was not in a position to win so they were focused on Senator Warrens race claims instead (also not close to winning). Which is what they did to Obama as well.

    Harris is as you would expect from a Harvard Law graduate is very well spoken. I know a few people in the Bay Area who worked in LEO and also a few others in the legal profession even in a cultural diverse city like that it is still very difficult for women to rise up in the ranks. Especially on the government side of things because of tenure and older men who tend to pass the ball to their friends and the culture is manly. Then account for the growing up in Oakland CA, you can’t be weak and if you are a smart kid then and you are trying to get out of Oakland you are threading a needle in a place where the odds are not in your favor. Crime is still crazy there.

    This is gotta be scary to Trump because he knows she’s not like the women he pays for. He doesn’t know how to navigate this type of situation.

    Edit – she went to Howard University then to Hastings Law School. Still very difficult to achieve and proof she is smart.

  6. Is this because he can no longer whinge about her not doing interviews? The brainless moron only has about four talking points in his head to switch between, he can’t afford to lose one.

  7. ThingCalledLight on

    He says that at 1:30 in the afternoon, before the interview even airs. Wild.

    No, sorry, dude. You didn’t even fucking do an interview—you don’t get an opinion.

  8. That is what they consider “unhinged, even for him”?

    He claims the interview sucked, Harris is stupid, and people shouldn’t vote for her.

    Like in terms of Trump standards I wouldn’t even call it unhinged.

  9. This turd is always trying to be in the headlines and succeeds. Every day my feed and newspaper is full of him and his antics. We finally get Kamala in an extended interview and first thing the media does is let him take the spotlight back. Its trump trump trump all the time. I’m hope people are just sick of him come November.

  10. Trump did not go “off the deep end”. Why do people say that? He does what he always does, he constructs his preferred narrative before (or immediately afterwards) the event and repeats, repeats, repeats forever. It is a simple strategy and, tragically, highly effective.

    If the statement is bonkers or racist, all the better (ie. Haitians eating dogs and cats), because all the oxygen is spent up talking about “Haitians” and “eating dogs and cats”. Win win for Trump (in his mind at least).

    Republicans have been doing this forever. They did it to Hillary to the point where the only time people heard “Hillary” it was always associated with some invented scandal, it didn’t matter that someone was refuting to accusation or not. That is was people remembered.

  11. These media outlets keep referring to him as coming “unhinged.” But he’s never been “hinged.” He’s in a perpetual state of being unhinged. So just dispense with the framing that characterizes him as exhibiting temporary insanity when—given the frequency of these outbursts—it’s self evidently his *default state*.

  12. Spin_Quarkette on

    The only thing this fool every does is accuse everyone else of the things he’s accused of! “I’m not a puppet, you’re the puppet”! How on earth is this person in the running for POTUS????

  13. Trump was too much of a coward to do a ’60 minutes’ interview. He has NO right to judge someone else who actually showed up.

    Everything he comments about her interview, the next question should be “why aren’t you doing the same interview like every candidate in the last 20 years?”

    Trump is unhinged. Full stop.

  14. Reviews-From-Me on

    It’s very interesting how the media has covered Kamala Harris. It’s like they are trying to meet some quota where if Trump does 5 negative things and they report on it, then they are obligated to find 5 negative things to report on Harris about.

    It’s like, because Trump spread racist lies about Hatian immigrants, which have resulted in bomb threats, let’s go after Harris because her economic plan is only 50 pages long and we want it to be at least 75.

  15. This buffoon bashes her ’60 Minutes’ interview, yet, backs out of his opportunity to do an interview.

    By default, he’s the loser here.

  16. Kamala does an extended, major network interview and does well.

    Next day: “So anyways, this is what Trump is talking about.”

    This is the kinda shit that led to his victory in 2016, kept it closer than it had any right to be in 2020, and has me increasingly concerned he’s gonna win this year. Not because of substance, but because we just never stop talking about the motherfucker no matter what Kamala does.

    Sheer stupidity.

  17. I’ll say it again. Watch Fox News for a month and you’ll see how it is done.

    Today all they talk about is the “failures of the Harris Biden administration” regardless of what the issue is. This leaves Trump rallies as the only source of policy or planning information (which is pretty much useless due to the lack of facts or concrete plans)

    Gone are the 30 second sound bites. Now policy is single word: tarifs – border closings – blah blah.

  18. 19southmainco on

    it’s such a indictment of our nation that he can behave this way and he’s perhaps four weeks out from being elected again.

  19. OhiobornCAraised on

    “Worst response since Katrina…” says the guy who didn’t realize Puerto Rico was part of the United States, then he goes there and tosses a roll of paper towels into the crowd.

  20. > Harris, who has been criticized for keeping a light media schedule mostly contained to friendly interviewers, took a grilling on the program about …allegations that she has changed her positions on issues.

    The horror. Doesn’t she know she’s supposed to developed all her opinions by the time she is 10 years old and then never change them.

  21. Asleep-Barnacle-3961 on

    One of the best things about the disintegration of the Republican party is watching the MAGAts lose their tiny minds over it.

  22. He is right about one thing. November 5th is going to be a historic day for our Nation. Electing our first female President is a huge moment.

  23. reticulatedspline on

    “Being reviewed as”

    Oh really? By whom? Does the name of this mysterious reviewer rhyme with “Ronald Dump”?

  24. Different_Ad7655 on

    Well he’s not smart enough, but his team was smart enough to keep him off the stage. He would have gone on there and done his Donald thing as emperor with no clothes, ranted in his desultory manner. But 60 minutes would have had a field day with him and his team certainly knew that. Donald has no pride or shame or sense of reality at this point. But the image that the clown has with his cult has to be preserved. No matter what he had said on 60 minutes had he gone, the cult would not have been shaken. But all of those middle ground voters which are probably still sizable amounts of Republicans might have been shocked. The team wisely, for their benefit kept him out..

    The Less he says at this point Is better for him. He’s an empty barrel in the more he just simply smiles and waves and says little, we’ll get him more than opening his face. His team knows this

  25. icouldusemorecoffee on

    That means she did particularly well and is making Trump increasingly anxious he’s going to lose.

  26. He has such an uncanny ability to so accurately describe himself when he shit talks everyone he hates.

  27. BecomingJudasnMyMind on

    K. Do one yourself, orange man. What’s the worst that can hap-…

    Oh that’s right, you’re a compulsive and pathological liar that loses his shit when fact checked. Can’t have that on display in front of the nation. I guess you’ll just have to stick to your Sean Hannity ‘interviews’.