FG councillor apologises for stating that US economy is ‘ruled by the Jews, by Israel’


Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. What kind of upside down situation is this? PBP being the responsible “adults in the room” while FG go on a mad one. 

  2. > relation to a motion on the Occupied Territories Bill.

    Why are Dublin City Council spending time on this?

    Not like Dublin doesn’t have enough issues they could focus their time on.

  3. *USA or America* should have taken a stance, but how many of you know the entire US economy today is ruled by the Jews, by Israel, they will never be able to take a stance,” she said.

    Clearly a tool.

  4. She should not be a councillor representing Irish people with those extremist conspiracy theory views!

  5. Accomplished-Try-658 on

    Only time you hear from councillors is when they do something this idiotic.

    Can we replace them with robots or ai?

  6. That’s a bit like saying the biggest lobby group in the US has a very big say in democracy.

  7. demonspawns_ghost on

    I mean, Jeffery Epstein would probably agree. I wonder if he has an Irish Times subscription.

  8. She is to general with allegations. But a subset of Judaism and extreme Zionism has an ungodly amount of influence in America.

    Almost all prominent politicians, senators and representatives have Aipac representatives attached to lobby them. They dominate an unbelievable amount of money and weapons/equipment to Israel every year despite the fact that Israel has nuclear weapons and such donations would violate their laws.

    For some reason the Americans are happy to go along with the can’t confirm or deny bullshit.

    It seems more and more people are speaking out along this line.

  9. The jewish lobby is so powerful in the us that there has to be some credence in her statement

  10. Outrageous thing to have said.  You expect public representatives to have a basic level of knowledge of things and to have a modicum of tact.  But perhaps that expectation is too ambitious

  11. The Blueshirt heritage coming through there.

    Or the even simpler heritage of the sort of gobshitery that makes one think antisemitism is a good thing.

  12. furry_simulation on

    AIPAC has the American political system bought and paid for. They openly boast that 95% of AIPAC-backed candidates win their elections. If you don’t understand the power of the pro-Israel lobby then you don’t know much about US politics.

  13. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/03/1222130537/jeffrey-epstein-court-records-reveal-men-clinton-prince-andrew

    Names connected to USA Financial institutions, Politicians and Industry. Jeffrey Epsteins ‘works’ are alleged to have been totally funded by mossad;


    Now…if Mossad have the names and ‘alleged’ deeds of very powerful people in the USA, wouldn’t that exert some sort of ‘control’. Epstein didn’t kill himself, and he wasn’t killed for no reason.

  14. That’s an absolutely appalling statement. It’s blaming an entire ethnic and religious community for the actions of an extreme government and whipping up a very nasty old antisemitic conspiracy theory.

    People within the Jewish communities also hold very, very diverse in views on what’s going on in the Middle East, and all this kind of crap does is whip up hate against a lot of very ordinary, decent people just going about their lives.

  15. Can’t be saying this.

    What you CAN say is that AIPAC has an absurdly outsized influence on US politics and that the current government’s staff has vastly more jewish people on it than you would expect a proportional sample of the population to have. And you can then draw your own conclusions regarding the US’s continuing support of the genocide in Palestine.

    As I always say regarding the US – Israel relationship: “The tail has been wagging the dog for so long the dog has become concussed.”

  16. the_0tternaut on

    It’s not some mysterious Jewish ruling Council, it doesn’t *have* to to be when it’s the United States’ policy to use Israel as a $10Bn a year bludgeon to secure their oil interests, keep their joke of an economy running, and cover up their guilt at not entering WWII soon enough.

    Take that and add the zionists who are able to motivate enough very ordinary Jewish voters to swing congressional, sentatorial and presidential races and you’ve got a very powerful influence in the US.

  17. FloppyDonkeyTrick on

    What a waste of Dublin City Councils time. Plenty of real issues in Dublin deserving of time and energy than ridiculous yank/Israel shite

  18. billhughes1960 on

    It’s so telling when any politician says their quiet part out loud. It’s so difficult to know what you’re getting when voting. It always has been this way, but now the internet gives all these comments a megaphone – like it or not.

  19. Own-Pirate-8001 on

    Holy fuck.

    Her comments are blatantly and nakedly antisemitic.

    The Israeli government and military are fascist ghouls, but that’s no excuse to equate an entire community with their actions.

    Some of the most consistently pro peace and pro Palestine voices have been from Jewish people.

    Zero excuse for her comments, they’re appalling.

  20. Separate-Steak-9786 on

    Ah ffs lads.

    You can oppose these lads all you want but you cant say stupid shit like this if you actually want valid criticisms of Israel to be taken seriously