Intelligence officials say US adversaries are targeting congressional races with disinformation


  1. It’s not just the presidential election: Foreign governments are targeting House and Senate races around the country in their effort to meddle with American democracy this election year, intelligence officials warned Monday.

    Russia and China have launched influence operations designed to help or hurt candidates in specific congressional races. Without giving specifics about the number of affected races, an official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said Monday that both countries have zeroed in on races where they believe they have a national security interest at stake.

    Other smaller nations may be trying their own influence operations, officials said. Cuba is “almost certainly” trying to boost candidates that the Cuban government believes would support their interests in America, according to a report on foreign election threats released Monday, roughly a month out from the election.

  2. Um… They’ve been targeting US elections for years. Someone’s brother in law obviously needed a paycheck and this study was commissioned.

  3. How can the tell it’s foreign governments and not just GOP misinformation…. oh, right, they’re the same thing.

  4. *Adversaries, allies, American political parties, Super PACs, and the federal government.

  5. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but disinformation has been one party’s behavior for a while. I’m curious if it has any causation from outside influences.

  6. So if you hear a bad thing about the team you like or a good thing about the team you don’t like, it is fake.

  7. GadreelsSword on

    Yes, the US republican party is functioning as their representatives. Republicans even protect these propaganda attacks.