Gardaí have compiled list of Oireachtas members and other people they believe have been targeted by Russians

Posted by youbigfatmess


  1. IrishUnionMan on

    So the state actively surveil people who they can’t arrest because they’ve committed no crime, but who are politically not aligned to the establishment?

  2. Old_Particular_5947 on

    So they UK give a tip off on an Irish politician saying they are being groomed by Russia. The Gardai can’t verify any of this and then it’s leaked to the papers so that loads of rumours can swirl around the place.

    This is like he says she says in the papers.

  3. Let me guess, the opposition?

    Didn’t all of this Russia fearmongering pop up before the last election too?

  4. I suppose they’ll be looking into Paschal Donohoe promising Israel that Fine Gael will block the Occupied Territories Bill?

  5. Someone in the Dail should stand up and use their Parliamentary privilege. It’s too important. Any double agent should be named and permanently excluded from power.

    The same for that rumoured British double agent in the civil servant that got totally buried a few months ago. Heard no mention of it since. Funny that.

    We have politicians that are not really wise to the ways of the world and underestimate how ruthless those in power can be willing to be once national interest is factored in.

    They are way too trustworthy. We are very lucky in our position in Europe in terms of being far from any threats but it’s no reason to be doormats to any hostile interests.

  6. SupermarketLate9466 on

    You can guarantee Harris knows exactly who it is but his language yesterday made me think it was somebody in government. If it was someone in opposition and especially in SF he would make it known in a round about way.

  7. I assume if they have this list – there’s also a list of Oireachtas members out there who have been targetted by Russians with a level of success, and that would be a very interesting list to see.