SUN EXCLUSIVE: ‘Intimacy coach’ invoice part of Manitoba Tory party campaign expenses in 2023


  1. BornAgainCyclist on

    >Manitoba’s Tory party paid $3,800 for services from an “intimacy coach” in August 2023 according to documents acquired by the Winnipeg Sun.

    Quite shocked that a sun publication is taking this on, but Klein (publisher) does have a bit of an axe to grind with his party and is more independent.

    Can’t help but wonder if this has been Wab Kinew, or Trudeau even, how much more of an outrage, and editorial publication drive, there would have been from Postmedia.


    None of the usuals are slapping out
    opinion pieces with tag lines like **”party goes woke hiring intimacy coaches for government officials”**, **Political party spends taxpayer money on love gurus**, or mocking people who use them. I would imagine if this was others there would already be jokes about divorces and needing coaches here and elsewhere.

    I understand Postmedia bought up most publications and shut them down in MB, but it’s not like they haven’t heard about it, and their silence here is pretty deafening compared to their outrage if you changed a few name tags.

  2. FromundaCheeseLigma on

    From the article: The Tories recieved and approved an invoice for $3,800 for a campaign expense from Chels for a “car rental.”

    $3800 of money that isn’t yours to rent a car with a Megan Fox lookalike, clearly many of us chose the wrong profession…

  3. ProbablyMaybeWrong69 on

    If I was a donor I’d be pissed. I have happily never donated to any campaign.

  4. Maybe the Conservatives were trying to learn how to give a shit about people. I dunno.

  5. Budderlips-revival23 on

    Was there a really difficult stain to remove from that “car rental “ sexologist expense?  

  6. Talinn_Makaren on

    There’s a joke here about fucking the province but I’m far too mature to make it.

  7. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    The mid classification and the pressure from the top to bury this are the real red flags here.  

    They indicate bad management practices.  From time to time an invalid expense will be paid that’s life.  

    Fixing mistake is far more important the. Lying further about them

  8. maybejustadragon on

    Why is nothing ever done in the face of blatant corruption?

    Like why even bitch? Awareness does nothing anymore.

    If Nixon lived today he’d just get to shrug and say meh. (I know it’s America but metaphor still works)

    Patriotism seems to be a fools errand. I’m actually embarrassed to live today.