Kamala Harris’ viral interview appearances are really pissing off legacy media



  1. BernieBrother4Biden on

    Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of their own corrupt actions…

  2. Hey legacy media if ya would stop sucking off Trump and the GOP you might get some of them interviews that would probably bring more revenue than the hate bait that is Trump.

    Edit to add: hope y’all in the media realize that spending the effort to try and sink Harris will not help the “view” Trump has of you. You will still be at risk of the dictator trying to shut you down or pull licenses so you can’t be on air. Dude hates the media.

  3. Trump and his s***show are money makers for media. Boring politics does not drive sales. Drama does. They want the election to be close, and possibly want DJT to win because It’s good for business.

  4. I mean, yes, it’s this. Which is why Politico, The Hill et. al, all cry about it.

    >”Politico’s real gripe, though, is that Harris is doing a disservice to voters by avoiding difficult interviews with news outlets like, well, Politico. **This is something that only news outlets like Politico care about. Voters don’t care.** Anyone reading or watching exclusive news interviews with Harris is already an engaged voter and has probably already decided who they’re going to vote for in November.”

  5. WallaWalla1513 on

    Can someone talk about how Trump hasn’t done a sit-down with the legacy media in, like, forever? He has admittedly held the occasional “press conference” (half of them aren’t actually press conferences because he just rambles and takes zero questions) but he pretty much sticks to Fox News and other conservative media outlets. Dodged the 60 Minutes interview and won’t show up anywhere else that has real journalists.

  6. TV is essentially dead.

    Only thing keeping it afloat is sports, let’s be honest.

    I cut the cord nearly 10 years ago and will never go back.

  7. I remember when legacy media was mainstream media. Shit changes. If I want a good interview or political coverage the last place I’d expect to find it is in a clickbait headline mill of AI and editors.

  8. whiskeyblackout on

    There was a really good article about this that came out right when her campaign started: [Kamala Harris is taking power back from the press corps.](https://www.editorialboard.com/kamala-harris-is-taking-power-back-from-the-press-corps/)

    *This is really important and I will repeat myself till I burst. This is a democracy. Harris is obliged to talk to Americans. That’s the end of her moral and democratic obligation. She’s not obliged to talk to the press corps, as if it were a constituency. If she stopped talking to voters, well, that would be disqualifying. Obviously, that’s far from the case.*

    *This is not to say she shouldn’t, but that’s a different question, isn’t it? If Harris decides to talk to the press corps about matters of fact and substance relevant to her, it will be her decision made out of concern for tactics and strategy for her campaign.* ***Reporters like Cillizza have a bad habit of presenting themselves to voters as if they operated in their interest, and we know, after watching reporters make a fetish of Biden’s age, that nothing could be further from the truth. We should not only stop tolerating this bad habit. We should be hostile towards it.***

    Emphasis mine.

  9. > Politico’s real gripe, though, is that Harris is doing a disservice to voters by avoiding difficult interviews with news outlets like, well, Politico.

    Meanwhile the other guy gets to just ramble pointlessly with complete and utter gibberish while VP Harris has to submit to “Difficult Interviews” that Legacy Media can dissect for gaffes and click bait?

    The other guy is too scared to Debate her again, so if you want more information, go bug that Orange Chicken for more substantive views or a second debate.

  10. EricThePerplexed on

    Pissing off the same legacy media that sane-washes Trump?

    Good. If a media outlet covers Trump as the raving dementia addled criminal lunatic that he is, then it’s worth Harris’s time. Otherwise, she’s too busy trying to fix the mess legacy media helped to create.

    BTW: keep up with the work! We still need to donate blue, volunteer blue, and enthusiastically vote blue with friends!

  11. mellifluouslover on

    Same energy as the “friend” who talks shit about you behind your back and then asks you why yall never talk or hang out anymore 😂

  12. She has all the people who watch political interviews for substantive policy in the bag. She needs to go get on stuff like that to turn out the young people. That’s where the juice is at. The legacy media is just jealous.

  13. JeffSteinMusic on

    Good. Legacy media can keep on with their bullshit about how undecided voters want more policy details and their stupid wholly invented “Permission Structure” narratives.

    Mainstream political press has always had their elitist and out-of-touch personalities and vibes but this cycle really takes the cake.

  14. Legacy media:

    “Madame Vice-President, you’ve been accused of being a mentally disabled fake-black woman who has bungled her absolute control of the border and FEMA—and tried to assassinate Trump. How do you respond?”

  15. I mean the dinosaur media asks hard hitting questions like how she felt about trump saying she turned black, I can’t imagine why she thinks they’re a waste of time.

  16. Square-Weight4148 on

    Well legacy media is terrible and biased. Good for her. The world will be a better place without 24 hour opinion channels.

  17. Their plan is to just continue lying and saying she isn’t doing interviews while she continues to do interviews. And somehow only the conservative lie will reach my father.

  18. I don’t know a single person under 40 who watches broadcast/cable news or has a subscription to WaPo/NYT for any reason except Wordle. “Mainstream” media has either long ago sold out to corporate interests or lost all trust by playing the “both sides” game and sane-washing the last several years’ worth of MAGA nonsense.

  19. the 60 minutes interview that just came out was just a bunch of right wing framed gotcha questions, interspersed with her answers being edited and voiced over by their stupid editorializing. Totally counterproductive for Americans to actually be informed. If she doesn’t want to talk to them then I don’t blame her. She’d win more votes by spending 60 minutes with Theo Von or HasanAbi.

  20. SnuffleWumpkins on

    The media is addicted to everything Trump.

    Right wing always whines about how bias the ‘mainstream media’ is, but their unending coverage of Trump, good or bad, is why he’s still relevant.

  21. PlentyMacaroon8903 on

    It’s interesting that you hear a lot less calls of “fake news” from Trump the past year or two. Know why? Because he knows they are on his side. They clean up his mess constantly and amplify his incoherent message. He has stopped seeing them as the enemy because they have joined his side. On the flip side, here you see Harris getting heat for doing anything beside what they want her to do. Can you imagine what would happen if she attacked the media with 1/10th of the venom that Trump has?

  22. After the way the legacy media gives The Felon a pass on his cognitive decline, and then zeros in on a trip Walz made to Hong Kong 20 years ago? I’d bypass ‘em too.

  23. EricsAuntStormy on

    Face it, legacy media, your bacterial work smells way worse than the viral stuff, and you’ve done less than nothing to reduce the odor by squeegeeing Trump’s taint sweat into your formula.

  24. giggity_giggity on

    So let me get this straight – Harris is criticized for doing 60 Minutes and a town hall – plus some other stuff, while Trump backed out of 60 Minutes and isn’t doing *any* potentially hostile interviews and avoids all criticism? Did I have that correct?

  25. Traditional media are treating the convicted felon, rapist, fraudster, and C-list late-night infomercial host as a worthy candidate for President. There is no reason to work with them at all.

  26. For months earlier this year, they were crapping all over Biden over his age. Even when there was good news, they just had to keep kicking him in the teeth. Now that he’s not in the race, the oldest candidate gets a pass. Yeah, no thanks.