Canada has no legal obligation to provide First Nations with clean water, lawyers say


  1. So… two common sense questions: Whose fault is it the water is not drinkable? and what happened to all that money that was paid out in the past to fix the problem? the article seems to conveniently avoid those two questions so I suspect the answers go against the narrative.

  2. Loudmouth_Malcontent on

    I’ve never read treaties but it wouldn’t shock me that providing clean water wasn’t written into treaties given their era of creation. 
    A moral obligation is certainly worth discussing, once each reserve can ELI5 why they haven’t seen to it themselves through sound self-stewardship. 
    All I know is that my parents always paid their water bill, and so have I. 

  3. The entire slocan valley in BC where I live is populated by folks who draw untreated water from countless small creeks and streams. I’m sure the Columbia valley and virtually all of rural BC is like this. Nobody is asking any form of government to get involved in any way nor would they want that.
    Why should the government provide you water? Get a water license and put in a system.