There is no kind of wrong that Israel could have done that would make the actions of 10/7 ok. Attack a military base, attack politicians, but this level of brutality to be the leading head of a oppression movement will never earn credibility. not one major “pro Palestine” outlet condemned this not one took the steps to create separation from THIS, is there really a pro Palestine movement? Or is it just rage fueled religious plight?

For me, I’ve concluded religious plight. This will never be ok with me and it shouldn’t be for anyone


  1. The cult feel threatened by the very existence of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc. It won’t let the world live in peace. It feeds on the destruction of non-believers and doesn’t believe in peaceful coexistence!

  2. Curious_Donut_8497 on

    It is abhorrent that people defend Hamas, all their talk about equality, justice, women rights and protection goes down the drain when they protest in favor of a group of people that does that.