Hi, After replacing the water meter, the tap water in my apartment is cold. The only option is to turn it on full blast in the bathroom and kitchen, then it starts to heat up and gets warm. The manager pretends that someone checked them and everything is OK on their side. Of course, I am in a fight with the manager and I am waiting for some action from them. I also wonder whether the specific settings of the knob whose photo I am posting are important. I looked at my own and my neighbors’ values and the values are set differently. Does anyone know what these numbers mean? As a last resort, I’ll take some Super Mario at my own expense and throw an independent plumbing expert in the manager’s face. 😄
Posted by Jaszuszuczur
Sprawdź raczej czy rura z ciepłą wodą nie jest przytkana na poziomie samego kranu. U kmie tak było.
To nie jest przypadkiem zawór zmniejszający ciśnienie wody? w tym wypadku do 2bar? Jakie wartości są u sąsiadów? Spróbuj przestawić na 4 i zobacz czy coś sie zmieni
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