1. >The new results fit with what’s known about these drugs’ abilities to change brain behavior, says neuroscientist Karolina Skibicka of Penn State University and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. “I think it’s really important,” she says of the new finding on exercise. “I’ve spent most of my career looking at these drugs. But I still think we don’t know everything.”

    >Mice with unfettered access to a wheel will use it extensively, running a whopping 10 kilometers a day, says Ralph DiLeone, a neuroscientist at Yale University. “If you look at how much they’re running, it’s just nuts,” he says.

    >But mice given semaglutide for seven days ran significantly less than their usual mileage, DiLeone and colleagues found.

    [Read more here. ](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/semaglutide-saps-mices-motivation-run)