Face it: Donald Trump, at 78, has lost his grip



  1. > “So, we built a thing called the Panama Canal. We lost 35,000 people to the mosquito, you know, malaria. We lost 35,000 people building — we lost 35,000 people because of the mosquito. Vicious. They had to build under nets. It was one of the true great wonders of the world. As he said, ‘One of the nine wonders of the world.’ No, no, it was one of the seven. It just happened a little while ago. You know, he says, ‘Nine wonders of the world.’ You could make nine wonders. He would’ve been better off if he stuck with the nine and just said, ‘Yeah, I think it’s nine.’”

    Very Michael Scott like – just start talking without having any plan on where you’re going or what you’re trying to say.

  2. Man who has been bigoted, selfish and nonsensical for years remains that way.

    News media acting like this is a sudden revelation is them trying to cover up for how much they have enabled him for over a decade.

  3. We also need to face the fact that there is a very real chance he will win enough swing states to win the electoral college.   Get the word out.   This monster is on the precipice of winning an election he should not even be allowed to run in.  

  4. More of this please. Articles about his age need to be published all over the place.

  5. Then we need to have a long hard look at JD Vance. He’s a dangerous christo-fascist pulling for a theocracy.

  6. Trump hasn’t lost his grip- he is a cruel vicious horrible disgusting awful tyrant who is out to destroy America.

  7. I’m still baffled this is even going forward. I mean … The list for why this guy should not be president is beyond long. Whether it’s the fact he’s an adjudicated rapist, or a racist that the government sued for discriminatory practices, or a traitor that attacked our elections and even his vice president to try to get him to go against the US Constitution, or that he led people to the capital and to attack our capitol (don’t believe any other president ever did that).

    Or his complete mismanagement of the pandemic and other disasters. Or the fact HE is a disaster. Mentally ill with at least one personality disorder, the fact he has dementia, the fact he’s utterly stupid.

    I mean damn … the list for negatives is beyond long. And I can’t think of a single positive. He’s literally the worst president this country has ever had, and arguably one of the worst people who’s lived. Not to mention he’s old AF and doesn’t even know what he’s talking about (see Dementia comment).

    This shouldn’t even be close!

    But I think the fact it is just shows how much room we have to grow as a country. There’s still so so so so many uninformed and stupid people. So many ignorant Americans. And immorality is rampant