China’s foreign interference goes beyond elections, intelligence expert says | CBC News


  1. >*China’s foreign interference extends beyond elections to other key areas of Canadian society, the public inquiry on foreign interference was told Monday.*

    >*Martin Green, a former top foreign intelligence assessment expert with the Privy Council, said a special report prepared for the Privy Council’s Intelligence Assessment Secretariat in January 2022 concluded that China was going beyond merely trying to influence Canada.*

    >*”You can’t look at foreign interference just solely through the lens of the electoral system,” Green told the inquiry. “I think it’s much bigger than that. You’re seeing … kind of hybrid tools being brought to bear.*

    >*”So in the case of a country like China, there is clearly a very sophisticated tool kit which involves foreign defence, national security and intelligence activities, there’s economic coercion, there’s military pressure, there’s espionage. So there’s a suite of tools that are brought to bear that we’re seeing much more often.”*

    >***Green said he consulted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s former national security adviser David Morrison about the special report. He said he later sent the report to Morrison’s successor Jody Thomas, and raised the issue with her during a number of meetings.***

    >***Green said he couldn’t explain why Thomas didn’t share the report with Trudeau.***

    Oh, we know why.

    # [Breaking: New Evidence Suggests Trudeau’s Staff Shielded Him from Chinese Election Interference Reports](

  2. Really? What was your first guess? Our former PM lobbying for China? Their police stations on our soil? The spies that steal, and get away? The domestic intimidation?

  3. HallInternational434 on

    No shit, I’m not intelligent yet I figured this out over five years ago