NASA wants to send humans to Mars in the 2030s − a crewed mission could unlock some of the red planet’s geologic mysteries


  1. 420GreenReaper on

    We can’t even retrieve the people we sent to the satellite we put up there decades ago.

  2. Waste of money. Rovers are way more cost effective right now. Keeping meat bags alive in space is tremendously expensive because we’re so fragile.

  3. Darn, guess we shouldn’t have abandoned the Moon and done nothing for 50 years huh

  4. I’m sorry to say that I’ll believe it when I see it.

    I’ve waited over 40 years for us just to get back to the moon.

  5. Lower-Grapefruit8807 on

    I doubt that very much. We just confirmed the radiation levels on mars are too high to safely explore with humans with our current level of technology. This flat out isn’t happening with a crewed mission anytime soon.

  6. BigOColdLotion on

    No way… going to another planet, they’re going to find out more about it… Are you sure?

  7. It’s not going to happen. At this point It’s just a slogan/goal like other companies have: in 10 year we want to be no. 1 in the truck rental business in Europe.
    NASA has more changes in achieving this goal than getting anyone to Mars (and never mind getting them safe back)…

  8. kaukanapoissa on

    It won’t happen. To Mars in 15 years when they’re not even back on the Moon yet?

  9. Nasa will be lucky to consistently send people to the moon in the 2030s let alone Mars.

  10. I am rooting for it to happen but I know it cannot within the given time frame. One first needs to develop proper facilities to sustain the astronauts there, as the journey to Mars would not be as short as the Moon one. Even if the spacecraft takes the shortest route to Mars to reach there, it would still have to take a longer route to return if we don’t want to spend a long duration on the Mars itself. And if we intend to stay there longer, say few months, before we take the shortest path again, then we need extremely reliable life-sustaining facilities there. For that, we need several food shipments, a large supply of water, radiation proof chambers for months-long stay, source of power that could last for months and who knows what else. I see the human civilization achieving all this, but not in 2030s. It would probably be in 2050s.