1. I DARE a Trump supporter to lay a hand on me when I am voting. It will be at their own peril.

  2. Red-Leader-001 on

    So exactly what would happen if Harris said that it would be dangerous for Trump supporters to identify themselves? Would, maybe, the conservatives be upset about it? Any yet nobody seems upset about this. I would hazard a guess that if I said something like that, I would dragged into the HR office and then walked to the door.

  3. CerddwrRhyddid on

    An attempt, it seems, at voter suppression.  Let’s hope that this makes Democratic voters bloody-minded and fuck Donald by not buying into his threatening bullshit, and getting out in droves to vote.

    The fact that this was said by a past president and possible future one is a indictment on the American people.

  4. Brought to you by the folks whining about how ‘Democrat comments about Trump are dangerous”…

  5. I’m a Kamala Harris voter.

    I don’t wear Kamala (nor ANY politician’s) paraphernalia because politicians work for ME.

  6. I’m a Harris voter. Fuck you. And somehow he wonders why there have two attempts on his life.

  7. HeloGurlFvckPutin on

    This is Hitler’s Nationalist Christians (NaZis) playbook – put the rest of us who just want a smooth running country that takes care of its people, but NaZis want to impose their Christian beliefs on the rest of us. This is not how Democracy works!!

  8. *Yaaaaaaawnnnnn.*

    Spent 20 in the Army.

    Meal Team Six, Ya’ll Qaeda, and the Gravy Seals are the *last thing I’m concerned about*.

    But go on ahead and “think” you’re going to do some shit to me. Even better if you’re stupid enough to come by the house.

  9. Trump is good at what’s called “mafia questions” or “mafia commands”. When a Mafia Capo says something like “It would be a real shame if Sonny Morducci were to meet an unfortunate end” he can say he was expressing regret or fear for Sonny, but everyone around him knows it’s a command to kill him.

  10. Worried-Pick4848 on

    I walk around with a 48″ shovel handle for a cane. I’m 6’6″ and massive, and literally have a 4′ 6 pound stick as a disability aid, which means I can bring it with me everywhere. Try and stop me voting, or let me catch you trying to stop anyone else voting, and you’ll suddenly remember a pressing appointment to be anywhere else.

  11. JiminyStickit on

    More stochastic terrorism:

    *Stochastic terrorism is a form of political violence instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or an individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, stochastic terrorism is accomplished with indirect, vague or coded language, which grants the instigator plausible deniability for any associated violence.*

  12. OverlyComplexPants on

    Just the other day Biden warned us that Trump was likely going to start violence around the election or after, and now Trump is just openly warning Harris voters of impending violence.

    They are REALLY prepping us for some shit to pop off soon, aren’t they? The closer the election is getting, the more real the threat is becoming.

    According to the experts on civil wars, there’s usually two things that happen in almost every civil war:

    1. Nobody believes that it will actually happen.
    2. When it DOES actually happen, things move WAY faster than most people predicted.

  13. PossessionTop8749 on

    Voter intimidation? Don’t worry, no one’s going to do anything about it and there will be zero consequences! Everything is great! yay!

  14. How does Reddit allow tRump to explicitly threaten Harris voters, but if someone advocates for self defense they’re banned?

  15. Thanks for stating the obvious, Mr Trump. Non MAGA folks have known for years that right wingers are, for the most part, violent people just waiting for an excuse. I’m going to assume this was his dog whistle for his followers to get ready for some domestic terrorism, not some kind of PSA.

  16. THE ULTIMATE TERRORIST THREAT , and that’s the social truth and the maga marching orders to all those who criminally hate/reject the equality of liberty for all.

  17. That fat thug couldn’t lick his lips and he’s threatening people. This guy is an absolute joke.

  18. SuperstitiousPigeon5 on

    Fuck you and your cult. My ballot is on my counter at home and I’ll be voting after dinner tonight.

  19. Get hurt by who? And what makes him think we are not capable of hurting right back..I knew he was stupid but he can’t be that stupid

  20. I’d rather vote Kamala and take one for my country than roll over for the traitorous tRump and his worshippers.
    I have no doubt we’re in for right wing terrorism whether he wins or loses.

  21. ChochMcKenzie on

    Just because we don’t make our entire personality about a politician doesn’t mean we won’t beat some ass over fascism returning.