Kamala Couldn’t Get Teamster Endorsement Despite Saving Pensions | The decision not to endorse has put headquarters at odds with its many local bodies that are supporting the Democratic nominee.



  1. What matters is votes. The vote of one CEO or 10 executives doesnt hold a candle to thousands of union workers beneath them. You can say you dont endorse whoever all you want. Reality can differ

  2. OverlyComplexPants on

    She didn’t get the Teamsters endorsement because, after an internal member survey conducted by the union, an overwhelming number of Teamsters members backed Trump over Harris (58% to 31%).

    It’s pretty hard to justify endorsing a Democratic candidate when almost 60% of the members are voting for the other guy.


  3. onceinawhile222 on

    Real union guys there. Guy says ok to fire workers and avoid overtime. He’s their stand up kind of man. How pathetic. And that is in addition to his really bad behavior.

  4. If Harris wins, she should tell the Teamsters that she’ll work individually with all their state union leaders, but not with O’Brien or his people!

  5. This topic is so overplayed. Fine, the few heads of unions etc can’t get everyone to back the same candidate.

    As long as its members vote who they personally choose, that’s fine.

    Endorsements of this type are, in my mind, not as powerful as they used to be. One, because any leader willing to cave to someone like Trump (who actually isn’t in your corner) dilutes the power of their choices.

  6. 80% of the charter teamsters already endorsed Harris…Sean Obrien ..Who cares what this ass kissing maga wants.

  7. Essentially Joe the Plumber became the Teamster president.

    Just like Joe, this guy is driven by racial hatred.

  8. Peterthinking on

    At the end of the day they all vote individually. Nobody cares what the head of the union thinks about her.