As it seems from a global study in the article from the Guardian titled "Baby boomers living longer but are in worse health than previous generations" despite declining rates of disability for the prewar generations, chronic disease and increasing obesity may be spilling over into severe disability for the baby boomers. The next 5 years will see the bulk of them going into pension.

No reason it should be any different in Switzerland for the years to come, so plan accordingly and factor in a yearly 6-10% increase in your medium/long term budget.

Future health insurance costs: a demographic preview
byu/billcube inSwitzerland

Posted by billcube


  1. Boomers! Collecting vaccines like they’re trading cards—because nothing says vitality like a boosted immune system!

  2. Internal_Leke on

    I hope the boomers will soon vote to exempt themselves from paying the health insurances. It is so important for the future of the country to have them spending as little as possible, to not have to sell their 200m2 house, and increase the burden on the lazy new generation. Babies are useless and cost a lot.