Canadians three times more positive about Kamala Harris than Donald Trump, survey says


  1. Canadians aren’t excited about a man who would sell out his own country for personal gain?

  2. Original-Cow-2984 on

    Unsurprisingly, but this is just more projection of relevance into Canada of foreign politics over which we have zero control. I can’t gaf about the theatrics of the American election, or who the preferred fecking candidate is for Canadians tbh.

  3. The_Frostweaver on

    Didn’t Trump say there would be new Tariffs on all imports?

    Wasn’t the whole point of Trump renaming and renegotiating NAFTA into USMCA to make the deal better for the USA and worse for Canada and Mexico?

    I don’t trust Trump at all. Trump just wants USA 1st headlines that make him sound tough and awesome, art of the deal bullshit. He doesn’t care if he hurts Canadians, we mean nothing to him.

  4. We should do a poll to see how many of these folks actually look at the policies being put forth by the politicians and where they get their info from. Kind of laughable that the majority of our country would support someone who is likely going to ruin the U.S. if she gets elected.

    If that happens and nothing gets better here, we quite literally have nowhere to escape to guys.

  5. ParticularDemand5587 on

    Yeah right!!!!! Lmao!!
    North America needs to rid itself of liberal ideology…it’s a recipe for complete DISASTER!!!

  6. Intelligent_Top_328 on

    I want Trump to win just to see the meltdown a chaos.

    Trump is an idiot for sure but you can’t deny he is entertaining.

  7. Ericsson-Brooks11 on

    I don’t think so! Your poll is lies!
    Kumula is a dingbat and everyone that can vote knows that!