Lara Trump Fumes as CNN Host Calls Out Donald’s Hurricane Helene Lies


  1. Lara’s a toad. She’d actually be better off trying for a record deal.

    ^(I’m so kidding.)

  2. > “They are out of money in terms of the hurricane relief,” Lara Trump said. “We have another hurricane heading towards Florida right now. But they have said that there is no money right now. **Why don‘t they have anything in order**?”

    Because the republicans are obstructionists.

  3. I’m so fucking tired of lying ass Republicans. Like how are you such a miserable person that you are trying to make a political statement that is complete bullshit where people have died and more will

  4. clayton191987 on

    To simplify – create crisis (defund agency) – blame president or opposition – claim only we can help and the “other team” only wants to hurt Americans and refuse to fund said agency.

  5. It’s time to drop the charade. They are the conspiracy party now and will lie about everything, they shouldn’t be interviewed unless hosts will fact check the shit out of everything they say until they are so frustrated they no longer come on the mainstream anymore. They have no interest in having any type of discourse, they only want to start their own country with trump as the king.

  6. It’s just so obvious now when they’ve got that {ooh when Donald wins you’ll be sorry you were ever mean to me} thing going on in their miserable little brains.

  7. AccomplishedScale362 on

    She’s clearly been coached by Kellyanne Conway to incessantly talk over people when you don’t like what they have to say.

  8. Don’t even give these goons a platform, they lie nonstop. They know if they repeat the lies enough people start to believe it.

  9. Lara is a liar. And why is there no push back on these state governors? Why don’t they have their shit together to help their constituents? The “states’ rights” crowd needs to ask their state governors for socialism handouts, not the federal government that they bad mouth every chance they get. I guess low tax rates in red states equals bad emergency preparedness? Golly gee Goober, who’d a thunk it?

  10. Remarkable_Map_5111 on

    The party of values doesn’t seem to have any. Lying has become like breathing to republicans and their base doesn’t care. It’s a marriage between the evil and the ignorant with both sides seemingly happy with the arrangement.

  11. Financial-Orchid938 on

    They went from 4.5m without power to 720k on Friday. Now down to 250k

    This is pretty good when you consider that this isn’t just rerunning power lines. There are numerous substations and other important pieces of infrastructure which need to be rebuilt entirely.

    And it’s not like the main factor in fixing this is money. It’s the constraint on material and skilled labour. It certainly appears as If virtually everyone in the region who could work on repairing the infrastructure is already there.

    Certainly if the goverment was trying to kill these folks they wouldn’t have restored 95% of the electrical grid already

  12. bramletabercrombe on

    is her last name actually Bash or is that her name because of how many times she’s fallen backwards on her head allowing republicans to spew their propaganda while she sits there in stunned silence? If someone lied to me on air once I’d never let them back on my network until they retracted the statement.

  13. There needs to be laws about lying during emergencies like this. What Trump, Vance fox news is doing is no different then walking into a movie theater and yelling fire.

  14. The bigger part of the story is that CNN keeps bringing MAGA seditionists on there, as if to entertain their opinion. That’s not good journalism, in my opinion. That’s like giving flat earthers opportunity to air their Tin-foil hat theories.

    I wish media would stop both-sidesing it. No matter what the media does, MAGA will call it unfair to them. Just stop interviewing and entertaining their thoughts.

  15. Laura Trump acted out like all Trump supporters when asked about the lies they spew. They deflect and get louder when asked to answer the questions. Very immature behavior.

  16. Red_Wing-GrimThug on

    I’m surprised Trump didn’t bust the Vance card and say “the rules said your weren’t going to fact check” 😂

  17. What about the go fund me that Trump set up after Butler PA.? He’s the beneficiary and I bet all of those funds will never leave his purse strings. He’s a real piece of shit. With his history of theft why would anyone ever consider contributing to his fund? There are some people that think electing a convicted felon, thief, sexual predator and master of bankruptcy would be a great person to run our country.

  18. “One thing to remember about liars, lad – they lie. They do it on principle. No issue too big or too small. They lie about anything they can get away with, and some things that they can’t, just to demonstrate their power over reality. You must always bear that in mind.” – Mimir, GoW:Ragnarok.