The municipal election of the largest city in the Americas happened like this.

Posted by zerofiltro


  1. Marçal is a con artist who forged a medical document to accuse the leftist candidate (Boulos) of using cocaine by publishing a lab test stamped by a deceased doctor.

    Other of his performances:

    1. Saying he fought a shark with his bare hands

    2. that he piloted a crashing helicopter without training

    3. tried to make a wheelchair user walk and when she couldn’t he said she didn’t try hard enough

    4. making one of his employee run a marathon without training by selling his motivational speech (the employee died).

    And oh, being accused of gang related activities to commit fraud.

    And yet he almost made it to second round. The world is fucked.

  2. Correction:

    Green – Nunes – Right-wing

    Orange – Boulos – Far-Left

    Blue – Marçal – Far-Right

    other candidates (non-listed are)

    Amaral – Left-wing

    Datena – Center-Right

    Helena – Right-wing