Years ago, I saw news in Iran that made my blood run cold. A girl who was subjected to a murder similar to what was done to İkbal Uzuner because of the issue of honor, and a disgusting and disgraceful mentality that exposed the victim’s body; After seeing this news, no matter how disgusted I was, I managed to isolate myself because it was Iran. Sharia hell is a Middle Eastern swamp that has become the religious law of the patriarchal reactionary order. Such events have started to happen in our country, in “Secular” Turkey. It started to be done before our eyes, during the daytime. We have come to a situation where we rightfully doubt whether the person we walk next to on the street is a murderer or rapist. Do not believe anyone who says, “Türkiye is not like Iran because of its geopolitical importance. Sharia law will not come to this country.” As long as we do not resist, as long as you normalize with the government and this mentality like the main opposition party, this country can be dragged down any path. Be on the side of goodness, equality and justice. Do not take seriously people who stand against these concepts, criticize women’s organizations, protesters and call themselves “opposition”. Huge perception operations are being carried out in the country, do not deviate from what you know to be true.

Kadın Cinayetleri Hakkında
byu/moistdrf inTurkey

Posted by moistdrf

1 Comment

  1. İkbal Uzuner namus meselesi yüzünden katledilmedi, adalet sisteminin yanlışlarından dolayı, ailesi tarafından defalarca şikayet ettikleri saplantılı bir psikopat tarafından öldürüldü.. Bu cinayeti bir namus cinayetine benzetmeniz, sonra da şeriyat-laiklik tartışmasına çekme niyetinizi anlayamıyorum..