Georgian parliament speaker signs anti-LGBTQ law after president refuses to sign it


  1. The bill bans:

    – same-sex marriages
    – adoptions by same-sex couples
    – public endorsement and depictions of LGBTQ+ relations and people in the media
    – gender-affirming care
    – changing gender designations in official documents

  2. The way this guy talks..

    “This law protects the rights of all citizens, including freedom of expression, so that the rights of others are not violated, which is the essence and idea of true democracy,” Papuashvili wrote.

    but signs a bill that does this
    ‘The bill includes bans on same-sex marriages, adoptions by same-sex couples and public endorsement and depictions of LGBTQ+ relations and people in the media. It also bans gender-affirming care and changing gender designations in official documents.’

    just mind numbingly frustrating!

  3. Leading-Fee-4908 on

    The headline is wrong. It should be “Russian puppet signs Russian style anti LBBTQ+ law in Georgia”

  4. Another step away from being a modern, developed state moving toward the EU, and another big step toward being a satellite of Putinist Russia. Putin must be thrilled. He’s headed toward taking Georgia without firing another shot.

  5. PsychLegalMind on

    U.S. has come a long way, but it has much further to go. We may well be heading backwards in time, particularly if the MAGA takes over.

    In any event it was not that long ago that the U.S. classified being gay as a mental disease [DSM II and III]. They made it a little less harsh sounding diagnosis with the category of “sexual orientation disturbance”. DSM-III (1980) – They also had gender identify disorder. It was a crime to indulge in an act of homosexuality.

    Of course, it was accompanied with many legal discriminations including not being able to adopt, to marry and any overt display of sexuality, loss of jobs until very recently etc.

  6. Prestigious-Wolf8039 on

    Maybe this is the pro Russia Georgia MTG should be living in instead of the one here in the USA.

  7. Well. As a homosexual in the West when (when, not if) the time comes that Russia invades Georgia, my reps will hear from me loudly about funding defenses for a country that aligns its values with Russia and not Western liberalism.

  8. And there goes any progression towards EU membership that Georgia could have until now. Out of the windows, just like anything else Russia doesn’t like. And by people that literally betrayed the trust of the population that voted for them. That whole government is full of traitors to their own peoples.

    Russia’s very existence has done so much damage to anything around them across the years, not just materially, but in human rights, development, freedom, education, everything. And some of it is probably going to be either permanent or at least very long lasting.

  9. CaptNoNonsense on

    Putin is happy tonight that his bill passed in Georgia. Sad to see Georgia being a puppet of the Kremlin once again. Sad to see they gave up on their territorial integrity.