The Almighty Dollar: Did schools official rig bid to allow Trump to grift off taxpayers with his Bible?


  1. BlueDragonfly18 on

    This question is right up there with, “Does a bear shit in the woods?” —the school official made it so obvious that no one, not even a MAGA die-hard, would say it was coincidence. They even went down to the required cover texture of the Lee Greenwood/Don’old Trump bible.

  2. OppositeDifference on

    I mean, yes. Obviously. No sane person can reach any other conclusion. Literally no other commercially produced Bible meets the requirements they set.

  3. I went to a Christian school. We were expected to furnish our own Bibles. The only requirement was that it was NIV translation. There is no possible reason, except grift, for a *public* school to have all those additional requirements.

  4. Schools spending money on bibles should be against the law.

    Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.

    No children shpuld be exposed to messaging like this in school. In fundamentally unacadmenic, and walks all over our constitution.

  5. AdmiralSnackbar816 on

    He’s definitely asking local officials who can start using the trump coin as their main currency.

  6. If there is ever a question if something could be gamed to help a particular person than it shouldn’t be allowed in the first place.

    If the possibility is there than that should be enough to not allow it.

  7. PropofolMargarita on

    Very clearly. Ryan Wolters has been on a mission to become a R wing media star/grifter. He’s showing the king of grifters he is willing to steal from his own taxpayers to curry his favor. Absolutely revolting.

  8. No-Fisherman6302 on

    Yes and am not shocked. Just wanna know where all this money is going cuz he doesn’t seem to pay anything at all.

  9. Artimusjones88 on

    Yes, but they will start squealing when they don’t get the cut they were promised.

  10. Mysterious-Hotel4795 on

    A Bible that requires the constitution amendments be printed in it, but even trumps Bible doesn’t have amendments 11-27.

  11. Is the Pope Catholic?

    Look at that POS in that picture. Such a lying grifting weasel. The man is so completely devoid of character and principle. He isn’t religious, he hasn’t cracked a bible ever, and lies, cheats, steals, bankrupts, doesn’t pay bills, commits adultery and so….much….more. How do any Christians accept this?

    It’s like national psychosis.

  12. The same guy rushing this through, Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters, has delayed emergency inhalers for schoolchildren for over a year.
    > That would be enough, but then I saw this letter from Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond. Drummond is a Republican — a quite conservative one on many issues — but one who is willing to break ranks with his fellow Republicans at times. On Oct. 2, Drummond responded to a request from Walters about the purchase of inhalers for Oklahoma’s children.

    > In the letter, Drummond all but accuses Walters of dragging his feet to make inhalers available to children in Oklahoma’s schools. The man who is rushing Bible purchases for schools across Oklahoma has taken well over a year — with still no resolution — to get emergency inhalers put into schools after funding was made available. The efforts in the state have expanded in recent years after a child in the state died at school when he had an asthma attack and no access to an inhaler.

    The [ACLU]( and other organizations are investigating the Bibles.

  13. Public money should not be spent on bibles in the first place. Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture in the endless groftword on Maga politics.

  14. TheStabbingHobo on

    Separation of Church and State? 

    It’s literally in the fucking Constitution these troglodytes chirp about all the time. If only they took an actual goddamn minute to read it. 

  15. JadedIdealist on

    Ah, a rare counter example to Betteridge’s law of headlines.
    >Any headline which ends in a question mark can be answered by the word “no”.

    In this case the headline can be answered with “well duh, yes, the answer is yes”

  16. Since none of the materials are copyrighted why don’t they just place an order directly with a printer?

  17. The church of Satan should create a bible with all these characteristics and become lower bidders.

  18. Stinkstinkerton on

    Ok kids open your Trump bibles today we’re going to learn how to grab a pussy.

  19. Pristine_Serve5979 on

    Department of Education needs to withhold that amount from their budget this year.

  20. Upbeat-Fondant9185 on

    I’ve been noticing something disturbing here in OK. This looks an awful lot like a strategy to change the entire conversation in OK and it appears to be working.

    Last week even most conservatives in my pretty large circle were against the Bible’s in schools plan and hate Walters. The general consensus was that this is a violation of the constitution and I was pleasantly surprised.

    This week that same circle is in agreement that this is a waste of taxpayer money, and are also in agreement that bibles can be had for just a few dollars each.

    Just like that, the left wingers have shifted from **no** bibles to *cheap* bibles. Everyone is so focused on the grift that they’ve stopped protesting against the original issue.

    So now they’ll come back and say “Fine, these bibles were too expensive. We will go with the $3/each bible and save $X million dollars” and everyone will celebrate the win. Except the real fight was supposed to be to stop the move altogether, not to compromise on price.

    Maybe my tinfoil hat is cutting off circulation but there’s been a real shift in how this issue is being talked about since this obvious grift hit the news. No one is talking about stopping the policy anymore, everyone is talking about price. That seems intentional.

    Then again Walters and Stitt are both raging morons so maybe I give too much credit.

  21. Baller-on_a-budget on

    They fuck kids in church basements. How is whoring this book going to be a problem?

  22. It’s MAGa. What do you expect. How many more controversies or demonstrations of grifting, rigging voting machines, emoluments, violence, and lack of responding others do we need?

  23. Squirrel_Chucks on

    I’m sure it was just a coincidence..

    You know, like in 2019 when the Trump administration needed to find a spot to host the G7 and their *totally unbiased and fair* selection process landed on Trump’s Doral resort.

    Nah I’m kidding neither of those were coincidences.

  24. DOJ needs to arrest that clown and charge him with corruption of a government official and conspiracy at the very least.