1. From the article

    >Nearly 400 cameras with artificial-intelligence capabilities are scattered across the [Cheyenne Mountain School District](https://www.cmsd12.org/) in Colorado Springs — and they can find you.

    >AI facial-recognition functionality means school administrators or security officers can upload a photo into the system identifying someone as a “person of interest.” When anyone matching that photo is caught on camera, school officials are notified and immediately given the relevant video footage.

    >The cameras can also pinpoint and track people using search terms. For example, a principal could type in that a student wearing a red shirt and yellow backpack ran away from their classroom, and the AI-enabled camera system could find students matching that description and quickly determine which way they went.

    >“There are some interesting cases of how it can be used to quickly find people in an emergency and enhance building security in an emergency,” said [Colorado state Sen. Chris Hansen](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/chris-hansen), who sponsored legislation that created a task force to discuss how the state can effectively govern AI usage. “We need to balance that for potential misuses and overly zealous surveillance. That’s what we’ve been grappling with.”

    >A handful of Colorado school districts and higher education institutions have implemented AI surveillance technologies in a bid to keep students safe, though a statewide moratorium has prevented the majority from doing so — though that could change next summer, when the prohibition ends.

  2. I find it frustrating and ironic that one of the few clear cases of AI use I’m opposed to and which is one of the most blatant downsides is also one that is getting deployed and trusted so early.

    These systems have already been misused, and the more available they are the more they will be misused. This is a poor idea.

  3. Good use of AI. No reason we shouldn’t be able to find kids or strangers on school campuses.

  4. Is the USA desperately trying to become China? Just remember this when the Ai surveillance is deployed in the regular public and you get your social score.

    Then don’t go about crying.

  5. Ethereal_Bulwark on

    # NO

    Your desire to feel safe should not infringe on peoples right to privacy.
    We went through this shit already with the patriot act.