We elected Miroslav Gregorič to the parliament and he is a deputy of the ruling Freedom Movement party. M.Sc. he is a member of the Committee on Defense and Foreign Policy and a former nuclear energy expert who has recently turned into one of the major opponents of JEK2. At the same time, he is a huge Russophile and anti-Semite.

Tl; dr.: the member of the Freedom Movement is the embodiment of your schizo uncle, who shares AI-generated images, extreme right-wing nebulae, Russian propaganda of obvious fake profiles and engagement farms (preferably from Serbia) on Facebook and various "independent thinkers". Only this uncle is a member of parliament in Slovenia who has access to secret data of Slovenia and NATO, and apparently no one in his party sees any problem in this.

Supporter of Russia

During the Russian occupation of part of the Kyiv Authority in March 2022, a mass massacre of civilians took place in the city of Buča (read more here). Satellite images taken during the occupation showed the murdered civilians lying in the streets. After the liberation, corpses and mass graves were discovered. Everything was documented by international organizations. Of course, Russia, which did it, denies everything and spreads disinformation that it was either rigged or that the Ukrainians did it, etc. Guess who is helping to spread these lies and deny the carnage that undeniably happened? Yes, Miroslav Gregorič. He called the war on social media "special operation"threatened nuclear war over donations of HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles (after two years they still haven’t informed me that we are in nuclear war). According to him, the Russian withdrawal from the Kiev region in 2022 was a voluntary Russian move (of course, they only pretended to want to capture the capital!). He also blamed Ukraine for virtually every Russian war crime; according to him, Ukraine was shelling its own refugee centers blew up her dam on the Dnieperetc. His base lies were publicly exposed even by RTV:


There is a man in the ruling party who is knowingly spreading fake news. He was not fined or expelled by the party. She did not remove him from committees where this person who supports enemy countries could do harm.

But the kittens, they must have tamed him a bit, can’t they just let him scold them like that? Let’s take a look at his Twitter. Below are some random examples of what this person has been reading and sharing in just the last week. Summary: Fake profiles with fake news and Russian/Iranian/Chinese propaganda.

  • Random Russian Propagandist Sharing Fake News;


  • Sharing posts Jackson Hinklewhich talks about "Zionist pigs". Jackson Hinkle is the biggest spreader of fake news and disinformation on Twitter. His posts are 24/7 spam lies in favor of every possible regime from North Korea, Russia, Iran, China, etc. A quick look at this profile should be enough for any level-headed person to understand what it’s all about


  • Sharing posts "Lord Bebo" – like Jackson Hinkle one of the biggest spreaders of fake news on Twitter. Big supporter of Russia, etc. (you know how it goes);


  • Sharing posts "Z" an account that copies the content of the Russian propaganda channel RVvoenkor;


  • Sharing posts that encourage the use of Rumble; it’s a YouTube alternative that has been completely taken over by the far right.


  • Sharing posts about "Jewish lobby"who controls the world; a fairly common theme of anti-Semites ever since Hitler;


  • Sharing posts in defense of Iran – the country that is the main financier of practically all extremist Islamist organizations in the Middle East and the main partner of Russia;


I stopped documenting at this point – practically the entire timeline is sharing disinformation, disinformation profiles and everything in support of the Moscow-Tehran axis of evil. If you don’t believe it and are a bit of a masochist, see for yourself.

Anti-nuclear policy

Before his retirement, Miroslav Gregorič worked as a nuclear energy expert both in Slovenia and internationally. Strangely enough, today he is one of the main politicians trying to stop the construction of JEK2. According to his former associates, his current nuclear policy is a reversal from his former views. Just today he was invited as the only guest RTV show Politično (so much for impartiality).

In my opinion, anti-nuclear politics and Russophilia are connected. Under the influence of activists, greens and lobbies, Germany voluntarily gave up all nuclear power and switched to Russian gas. The result was inaction in the face of the Russian attack in 2014 and the ongoing partial blocking of aid after a major invasion in 2022.

Kdo nam vlada – Miroslav Gregorič
byu/MucekMacek inSlovenia

Posted by MucekMacek


  1. KeepOnConversing on

    Opazil sem, da obstaja določen tip rušistov, ki imajo vsi popolnoma enaka stališča in ideologijo (čeprav se včasih po samoidentifikaciji razlikujejo). Zahod jih seveda ne zna pravilno obravnavati. Zadnja oseba, ki bi to znala je Ante Pavelić.

  2. Hecno je, da se tu govori o enem neumnežu, medtem pa je človek pozabil da isto oziroma še huje počne vsak dan celotna zasedba SDS. Vsi že 100x razkrinkani, od raznih kopriv21390238210938120, ki so v resnici poslanke, podporniki neonacistov, ki so poslanci, do predsednika SDS, ki stalno širi neresnice in je bil obsojen in zaprt zaradi zločinov, tudi blatenja …

    Izgleda je širjenje lažnih novic zanimivo samo, ko nekdo to počne na novo, pozabi pa se na tiste, ki to počno stalno vsak dan.

  3. Groza kaj sedi v parlamentu. Pa kako je mozno da folk pada na neki poceni ruske fore, sploh se ne potrudijo.

    Na enem drugem forumu, kjer berem.je en kup opravilno sposobnih odraslih verjelo,da je žena Zelenskega na izletu v Parizu kupila najnovejsega Bugattija za 5 miljonov….

    Kaj sploh rečt takemu človeku?

  4. To bi se ga mogl obsodt za izdajo države. Govori in dela v nasprotju z interesi državljanov.