The Netherlands is allocating 400 million euros to the development of drones for Ukraine.


  1. thetipoffmypenis on

    The Netherlands is allocating 400 million euros to develop drones together with Ukraine. This was announced by Defense Minister Brekelmans during a visit to the affected city of Charkiv. Half of the drones must be developed in the Netherlands. According to the minister, the Netherlands previously completed a “pioneering role” in the delivery of F-16s and Patriot systems. “Now we are continuing this with expanded drones.” According to the minister, these are drones that can be used for different purposes: reconnaissance, defense and attack. “With a name in the air, but also on land and sea.” If the drones are successful, more money will become available to scale up production. Brekelmans also firmly states that the first of the 24 promised Dutch F-16s have been delivered to Ukraine.

  2. Wallname_Liability on

    This is great, this can go straight into developing more stuff like the bread drone missiles (sorry but I’m not great at remembering spellings). Shit that works and can be used with impunity in Russia. And it’s making jobs, paying wages and building up a manufacturing base Ukraine can put to use after the war. Farming, Police work, search and rescue, gif knows what applications drones could have.