Rep. Adam Schiff says Trump ‘will contest’ election results if he loses


  1. NoDesinformatziya on

    I mean, Trump himself has said this.

    The media continues to shit the bed on providing reasonable coverage of a lunatic autocrat.

  2. Helgafjell4Me on

    Bannon told us that’s always been the plan, same as last election. Trump has been planting his seeds of doubt this whole time to manufacture support for another attempt at overthrowing the election if he loses again. They still have zero evidence of any fraud from 2020 and yet they will use the same lies once again and their brain dead supporters will believe it, because they’re a fucking cult.

  3. He contested when he won, He ranted a lot about how he actually won the popular vote against Hillary.

  4. I_Lick_Bananas on

    Really? He seems like such a chill guy and he’s always been so accepting of reality in the past.

  5. Of course he will because it’s only a fair election if he wins otherwise it’s rigged against him.

  6. Antisocial-sKills on

    At this point Trump would probably contest the election even if he ‘wins’ but it’s not enough votes for his fragile ego and delusional mind.

  7. Reasonable_Base9537 on

    I honestly expect some major turmoil in November no matter what happens. Whoever wins, at least some elements of the “other side” are going to resist. Not sure what it will look like, but I highly doubt a smooth transition of power is going to happen.

    I just want another season of Andor before we descend into civil war.

  8. 2016 proved that he will contest the results even if he wins.

    In his narcissistic mind, he has to be the biggest winner. It’s not possible that the result could be close or that he would lose the popular vote.

  9. Correct, Trump will attempt to cheat or litigate (same thing with Thomas on the SCOTUS) his way back into the Whitehouse regardless of the actual vote totals. Period.

    He will most likely be on TV at 3 a.m. prematurely claiming victory again, UNLESS it’s a real blow-out. I mean Harris *takes Florida* and the networks are calling the election by 9 or 10 PM *Eastern* kind of blow out.

    Trump is still going to cheat or foment another insurrection but an early and decisive Harris win on election night would make it all that much harder for him.


    Bring friends.

  10. The simple fact is we will never be rid of him until the day his diet and dementia catches up to him.

    And then we’ll have to deal with the mindset he proliferated.

  11. There’s your “no shit” headline of the day! Love this Schiff guy, but Jesus Christ… really?

  12. WomenTrucksAndJesus on

    Trump will claim there was wide spread cheating if he wins or loses. If he wins, it will be the last real election we have.

  13. Raspberries-Are-Evil on

    Lets stop worrying about this. When he loses, it can be a blow out or he loses by 271-269 – it does not matter. He can whine and complain all he wants. Harris will be sworn in.

    The media will need to stop covering him snd focus on the story of the first female President putting her team together.

  14. michiganhockeyguy on

    There is not one reasonable thinking person that has not come to this conclusion.

  15. 1877KlownsForKids on

    Of course he will. He even claimed massive voter fraud in 2016. I’m so ready for this…. person to just go away.

  16. And you’d better believe Musk will go into overdrive on Twitter to stoke up the division.

  17. I mean, he still denies the results of the 2020 election, that he lost the popular vote in 2016, that he lost the Iowa caucus in 2016, that he lost every Emmy he was nominated for for The Apprentice.

    Trump’s brand is losing and complaining how everything is rigged.