Column: Jack Smith’s filing shows that Trump is already starring in a Jan. 6 sequel


  1. It looks like giving the president immunity for “official acts” doesn’t sound quite so wise, now does it Supreme Court?

  2. CryptoCraig_98 on

    Sure does make you question that whole immunity bit? Bet the Supreme Court’s scratching their heads now

  3. I pray every day that a hamberder from heaven takes that pig of a person out and saves the world from him. In the mean time be a patriot and vote for Harris, she’s the only real option and we need to landslide this.

  4. PatriotNews_dot_com on

    And with guys like alito and thomas in the SC, you never know how they could tip the scales for trump to come back to power

  5. These are the ubiquitous comments on Reddit’s political posts.  Save us all reading time by just using the first phrase and then add some facts or a different interpretation or explanation. 

    **Vote**: “Just vote and get your friends to vote. Polls, rallies, donations, and … don’t matter.”

    **Incredulous**: “I just can’t believe so many Americans can support a man who is a convicted felon, twice impeached, rapist ….”

    **Echo-chamber Cult**: “Trump’s supporters only listen to Fox, OAN or …. and worship him without questioning.”

    **Polls**: “They’re worthless, wrong, manipulated ….”

    **Legal Chicanery**: “Trump isn’t trying to get votes, but he is preparing illegal challenges so that the biased Supreme Court decides in his favor.”

    **Clickbait**: “The post is just Newsmax, Breitbart, CNN … trying to get clicks for ad revenue.”

    **Grifter**: “Trump is peddling Bibles, shoes, watches … to make money off his followers.”

    **Legal Fees:** “Trump diverts wads of donations to him to his legal fees and has stripped the RNC of its funds.  Down ballot Republicans are suffering.”

  6. Clickityclackrack on

    Well, then i guess the government better actually use that army they have this time.

  7. This is great news l as now Democrats in power can be prepared act immediately respond with a disproportionate response across all states

  8. --ikindahatereddit-- on

    OT but how is this a soft paywall, and what is a soft paywall?

    This is a paywall.

  9. bytethesquirrel on

    Except there’s one huge difference this time around, *Trump is not the president*.

  10. sixtyfivejaguar on

    The coup never ended. It’s still very active, just continued through other avenues.

  11. I’m an Australian here. So Biden with these new laws that were given by the supreme court now can do what? Can he jail trump?

  12. BigDaddyCoolDeisel on

    I’m not sure folks are ready for how bad election day is going to go.

    Unlike 2020 (which was bad enough) trump has everything to loss this time around. If he doesn’t become president, he loses everything; and he’s already crossed the Rubicon on criminality. This is it, there’s no turning back for him.

    Throughout election day there will be choas. Bomb threats into Dem-leaning polling places; ‘poll watchers’ intimidating voters or outright getting into physical altercations. Nothing about the day will run smoothly and the narrative will take hold that ‘the election is a mess’ (parroted by the very side making it a mess).

    All day there will be allegations and “evidence” of voter fraud on Twitter, amplified ten times over by musk. By mid-day the chorus will be overwhelming; chaos, fraud, what a mess… should this election even count?

    As with most recent elections; trump will have a
    ballot lead early on before mail ballots are counted. He will declare victory DESPITE all the fraud and chaos throughout the day.

    That’s when the lawsuits will begin.

    Lawyers in swing states across the country will sue to stop counting due to the ‘proven’ fraud taking place. They will sue to stop every mail ballot from being counted, challenge every democratic ballot, every signature, every dotted i, every crosses t.

    Then he will ramp it up. Echoed and amplified on social media and foreign bots.

    Harris has lost. trump has won. They are trying to steal it again.

    Democratic and patriotic Republican officials will plead for order and ask to let the process play out. Protests and violence will begin. Pressure on already-identified election officials will ramp up. Like-minded Congressmen and Senators will join in. “trump won. End this election.” “Democrats tried to steal this.”

    By evening Biden will address the country from the White House arguing the election was secure, pleading for order and peace. But the conflicts will ramp up more and more.

    I honestly don’t know what happens at this point. More alternative electors will be appointed. Challenges to the Supreme Court or a ‘compromise’ will be discussed in the House of Representatives. Speaker Johnson will promise that the House will make things right.

    I honestly don’t know what happens from there.

    But rest assured most, if not all, of the above will happen.

    Get ready. And hope that the system is getting ready too.