Signs grow that young Black voters are going to show up for Harris


  1. CryptoCraig_98 on

    Absolutely! We need all hands on deck, regardless of who’s running. Voting matters, folks

  2. In all seriousness, what or why would any black person vote for Trump? Has he offered their community anything at all? Maybe I look too much at left leaning media, but all I see from MAGA is racism.

  3. OMightyMartian on

    “I don’t understand. I sold them shoes and everything…” – Donald Trump probably

  4. fighting_fit_dream on

    No matter what, we are going to need every single voter we can get, we need to beat MAGA resoundingly

    Now is the time to get involved!! If you are in a battleground state, find your local campaign office and go help out.

    If you’re not in a battleground state, go to to find out how you can help out

  5. Let’s hope they do, and beat the suppression efforts the GOP is enacting against them.

  6. This election is going to come down to the makeup of the electorate; which polls have had such difficulty predicting in the Trump era. If Dems are able to motivate black voters and suburban people of all stripes to vote in the northern swings, Harris wins. If Teeter and Jimbob come out of the woodwork in those same states, Trump wins.

  7. These are the ubiquitous comments on Reddit’s political posts.  Save us all reading time by just using the first phrase and then add some facts or a different interpretation or explanation. 

    **Vote**: “Just vote and get your friends to vote. Polls, rallies, donations, and … don’t matter.”

    **Incredulous**: “I just can’t believe so many Americans can support a man who is a convicted felon, twice impeached, rapist ….”

    **Echo-chamber Cult**: “Trump’s supporters only listen to Fox, OAN or …. and worship him without questioning.”

    **Polls**: “They’re worthless, wrong, manipulated ….”

    **Legal Chicanery**: “Trump isn’t trying to get votes, but he is preparing illegal challenges so that the biased Supreme Court decides in his favor.”

    **Clickbait**: “The post is just Newsmax, Breitbart, CNN … trying to get clicks for ad revenue.”

    **Grifter**: “Trump is peddling Bibles, shoes, watches … to make money off his followers.”

    **Legal Fees:** “Trump diverts wads of donations to him to his legal fees and has stripped the RNC of its funds.  Down ballot Republicans are suffering.”

  8. Gen z showed up in 20/22 numbers unseen since probably 08?  This caused a major shift from what polls predicted.  Hopefully they so it again

  9. No_Reference1439 on

    Young black and Latino men ain’t showing up for Harris. 😂

    Will they show for Trump? No clue…

  10. FreeChickenDinner on

    ,,>A September Washington Post-Ipsos poll of 1,083 Black Americans found that 69 percent are “absolutely certain to vote” in November, an increase from 62 percent in April when President Biden was the top of the ticket.

    Nobody read the story. It’s about voter participation. 1/3rd of Black Americans are not “absolutely certain to vote.”