Elon Musk Turns MAGA Fearmonger at Butler Rally: It Will Be ‘Last Election’ if Trump Loses



  1. transcriptoin_error on

    Pretty ironic, considering that Trump said it will be the last election if he wins.

    Elon Musk should be deported (Trump is talking about deporting immigrants, right?).

  2. In a rational world, the CEO of a publicly traded company whose brand image is driven heavily by his own would be in *a lot* of trouble with his board and shareholders for the public behavior he’s exhibited over the past 18 months to two years.

  3. Choice-of-SteinsGate on

    Trump literally stated to a crowd of evangelicals recently, that if he’s elected, his base won’t have to vote in another election.

    This is a man who has been indicted for conspiring to overturn an election, for defrauding the United States, for disenfranchising millions of American voters, and for his attempts to install loyalists into positions of power within the DOJ to help *him* steal the election.

    This is a man who said, without hesitation, that he’d be a dictator on day one.

    Who has suggested that he will disregard the constitution and possibly run for a third term

    Who has also been indicted for his documented efforts to intimidate election officials in states like Georgia and Arizona. Browbeating and coercing them to overturn the election results via alternate slates of electors or just straight up vote manipulation.

    This is a man who has claimed recently that, if elected, he will JAIL, not even investigate, but JAIL his political opponents.

    Who has refused to condemn Putin for murdering adversaries and dissenters. Not only that, but he’s practically praised Putin’s penchant for eliminating the opposition.

    This is a man, who has many times indicated, that if he wins the next election, he’ll consolidate as much power as he can, dismantle our system of checks and balances, and grant himself unitary executive authority.

    The projection here is baffling.

    And what will Musk get in return for this? Besides validation from his flatterrers on Twitter? We all know loyalty is a one way street with Trump. I guess with enough wealth, Musk can buy his way into Trump’s next administration.

    Think about it, these so called “populists” damn near blindly support one of the richest egomaniacs in the world, who has failed upwards enough to buy his own platform, turn it into his personal megaphone, and afford himself the position of Trump’s assistant political agitator and election influencer.

    And not only do they glorify this billionaire narcissist turned demagogue, but they also support his kowtowing endorsement of another billionaire narcissist, each of whom are staggeringly out of touch with most Americans, while they exploit the ignorance of voters, indulge their paranoia and fears and profit off of appealing to the lowest common denominator…

    This isn’t populism, it’s fanaticism?

  4. TheCanadianDude27 on

    Elon Musk is the richest person in the world. He knows if Trump wins the presidency again that he’ll get whatever he wants.

  5. Uhhh, when Trump loses there will be another election in 2028, more than likely Trump running again.

  6. it feels like every accusation or assertion made from the trump camp is a confession.

    # Trump tells Christians they won’t have to vote after this election


    # Trump’s vow to only be a dictator on ‘day one’ follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric


    # Trump Doubles Down on Ominous Election Threat in Creepy Fox Interview


    >“Don’t worry about the future. You have to vote on November 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore, I don’t care, because the country will be fixed, and we won’t even need your vote anymore because frankly, we will have such love if you don’t want to vote anymore, that’s OK,” Trump said in one of his trademark run-on sentences.

  7. Practical_Carob1253 on

    How Elon Musk has not been charged with election interference or kicked out as CEO is beyond me. It’s almost as bad as a felon running for a second presidency 🥲 I can’t believe these guys are “idols” to many people in this country, it makes me physically sick when I think about that 🤢

  8. anxiousprincss on

    Elon Musk’s fearmongering at the Butler rally feels more like a desperate tactic than a genuine call to action; it’s sad to see such influence being used for spreading false claims.

  9. I guarantee he’s already told his people, “She might win, but I better not lose.” He’s going to double down if he loses either way. If it’s a small margin he’ll tie up the certification in recounts to find the stolen votes. If it’s a landslide he’ll tie up the certification because there will be no way in his mind that he would lose in a landslide. “I know it was rigged because I tried to rig it and I lost which means they rigged it and that’s illegal. Vote manipulation. Fake ballots. Suppression! Fraud. Collusion. Witchcraft. Arrest them all!”

  10. Left_Two_Three on

    I know these people are too dumb to reason with, but the Democrats are in office **right now**. Harris is literally the Vice President and could attempt to do what Trump wanted Pence to do last cycle.

    >It Will Be ‘Last Election’ if Trump Loses

    This dumbass is suggesting that if Trump loses, then Democrats will stop holding elections? If that was their plan, then why wouldn’t they just do it this election?

  11. iyamwhatiyam8000 on

    All Tesla owners repulsed by this maggot should immediately advertise for sale.

  12. Yeah, it was crazy when Harris said people wouldn’t need to vote again if she won.

    Oh wait.

  13. They can’t even keep their stories straight. Trump said it would be the last election if he *won*.

  14. Weird because Trump also said you wouldn’t have to vote again if he won. What could he have possibly meant by that.

  15. I just love Elon’s fear mongering tactics as of late. Election interfering piece of shit. Instead of deporting those who do jobs none of us Americans want to do…why don’t we just get rid of this asshat since he seemingly loves to joke about firing people in strike and in some cases actually does it when they try to unionize. 

  16. The US government (NASA etc.) is probably doing a lot of business with Musk’s businesses. Time to reconsider that or force him to step down imo.

  17. Ok_Veterinarian6404 on

    Elon Musk was raised at the seat of power; Pretoria, of the white supremacy government during apartheid in South Africa. The fact that he is now promoting MAGA is no surprise.

  18. JadedIdealist on

    Take the truth, turn it on it’s head, label that lie “the real truth”.
    Fascist propaganda 101.