What is the actual point of having Edward Norton here?


Posted by 196_microcelebrity


  1. Well, Ed probably signed up to a lucrative corporate gig. And AIB got to put a famous face on their boring event, so that people on social media might talk about it.

    Looks like it’s working…

  2. Shhhh! Have you forgotten the first rule of the AIB Sustainability Conference? You do not talk about the AIB Sustainability Conference.

  3. Hadrian_Constantine on

    Bastards had the balls to try and go fully digital with their horse shit app, all to save some money, and yet they blow a ton of cash on these absolutely useless events.

  4. AdmiralRaspberry on

    Hope they show him that shitty full plastic card reader that they are forcing on all their customers for years … 😂😂

  5. It was Jacinda Ardern and Trevor Noah last year, flew both of them in from opposite corners of the planet in the name of sustainability. Next year maybe just pay Denzel Washington to melt an iceberg with a flame thrower and save us the additional methane emissions from the conference?

  6. Oh how i laughed when it popped up on Facebook. Alot of entertained and confused people in the comment section

  7. For all the gobshites whining about this.

    Norton is a UN ambassador for Biodiversity and is President of a conservation charity in East Africa.

    He is a big name that will bring attention to the event.

  8. LegitimateFarce on

    “The first rule of the Sustainability Conference, is to not talk about the Sustainability Conference”…

  9. Blunted_Insomniac on

    The first rule of the Sustainability Conference is you do not talk about the Sustainability Conference