“I blame you, Melbourne”

Posted by a_whoring_success


  1. a_whoring_success on

    Resubmitted, the previous one was rejected because I editorialised the headline.

    Anyway, talentless buffoon blames the audience. That’s a sure-fire way to get us all to listen. I love it that we are collectively telling this fool and his vacuous sidekick to piss off back to Sydney.

  2. LunarFusion_aspr on

    I would read the article but I hate these two thirsty cunts too much to waste my time. Hope they go crawl back under their Sydney rock and leave Melbourne alone.

  3. Every time a beloved celebrity like Maggie Smith dies I always have a brief moment where I wonder why, in a just universe, it’s not Kyle Sandilands who is dead.

  4. SnooApples1615 on

    When Kyle Sandilands making the jump to becoming Sydney Rush Limbaugh? It’s gotta be about what 6 months away?

  5. Makes me proud to be a Melburnian.

    And to that fuckwit Sydneysider I was arguing with on reddit the other week, case closed mate.

  6. They’re an act stuck in the 2000s that sounds Sydney.

    What did they think was going to happen.

  7. MarkusKromlov34 on

    Well obviously 🙄

    If Melbourne doesn’t listen to something it’s obviously Melbourne’s fault not Sydney’s

  8. Why do we have so see his disgusting mug . He has no self awareness… omg I would never show my face in public if I was him. 🤢🤢🤢🤢

  9. PM_Me-Your_Freckles on

    I have detested these cretins since the late 2000s. Why anyone thinks Kylie Sandipants and Jackie Oh-what-a-shitcunt are anything close to relevant any more, I have NFI.

    Will always have love for Frenzal Rhomb, and [this phonecall on live radio](https://youtu.be/5EJkJi_yHHE) will forever be one of my favourite moments of theirs.