Southern Beirut tonight – what looks to be enormous secondary explosion

Posted by aupire_


  1. Maybe they got a new leader today, Vatican elected new pope -> (* smoke *), Hezbollah elected a new general secretary-> (*big boom*)

  2. I’m guessing the second, third, fourth explosions are Hezbollah’s stored missiles and rockets exploding rather than repeat strikes?

  3. uh ohhhh…. looks like they hit a fully stocked stash of missiles (doubt those were rockets)… gotta love how they store their caches DEEP in heavily populated residential areas. such a considerate thing to do to your own fellow countrymen, especially all the innocent women and children…

  4. another sleepless nights for iran, when they will visited by israeli after seeing all this.

  5. It took a WHILE for that sound wave to reach her and shake the building. Bets on no windows left in Beirut by Friday.

  6. Urban conflicts like this are always really easy to twist cause it’s not like you can ask the IDF for the military intelligence that told them this was a viable target. People just see a big explosion in a busy city and start pointing fingers

  7. Cheeeeeseburger on

    Shame on hamas and these terrorist pieces of shit for hiding this military infrastructure among the civilian population. All these deaths are YOUR fault and they could’ve been easily prevented.

  8. Oxygen tanks at a medical supply facility, located at a close proximity to Beirut Airport

  9. People in this sub learned the term “secondary explosion” in the last year or so and it shows

  10. Known_Salary_4105 on

    Even though the Mossad building was struck by Iranian missiles, somehow Israeli intelligence can locate the specific building in a dense neighborhood that is storing munitions.

    How do they know this? How do they gather this intelligence that allows for such a pinpoint strike?

    The explosion is stunning, but to identify the location AND to hit it precisely is even more so.