That pilot is soooo fucked when he gets back 😭😭😂😂😂😂

Posted by herrera_law


  1. He might have been ordered to shoot it down because they lost control of the uav and it was heading towards Ukraine controlled areas.

  2. Background-Noise-918 on

    You sure it wasn’t the other way around and the AI made the right decision 😃

  3. ManWhoShoutsAtClouds on

    Why is the pilot fucked? Seems intentional with the turn as soon as the missile is fired

  4. Probably, the I.A. in the drone learned its better to get the F out of Russia asap, so they had to shoot it down.

  5. I think it’s pretty clear what happened, definitely an order to destroy the drone but was it a loss of communication / hardware malfunction, or did Ukraine manage to intercept what could be a targetable signal?

    Seems there’s not much of the main fuselage unfucked, but the fact this has happened is a bit of a slap in the face for Putin.

  6. FormalIllustrator5 on

    That is fake – this is 6th gen -Ultra Stealth drone that is impossible to take down! S-70 -is all about fear and terror!

  7. hugh-g-rection551 on

    XaXaXa silly westoids, yuo see? is of beings so stealthy, even we ourself not know what it is of flyings there, so we shoot it down, da? just like yuor silly F-16 planes, is why you cannot of winnings against russia.

  8. Does anybody know how much those things cost? Also, how much was the missile that brought it down?

  9. Frosty_Confection_53 on

    Funny. That’s almost exactly the same smoke pattern of when the plane of the Wagner boss exploded.

  10. MacRapalicious on

    Off topic, but when people who believe in chem trails see videos like this what do they think is happening?