North Carolina Republican Pleads To End Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories About Helene Disaster Recovery


  1. HumanNemesis93 on

    Sorry but your party sees this disaster as a chance to score points and hurt Biden & Harris, not something impacting real people.

  2. OmarLittleFinger on

    Ugh, these Rino’s with their facts. Can’t a women talk about controlling the weather, when what I mean is making it rain at the gym.

  3. Republicans are saying he’s lying because he’s going against Trump. To the cult only Trump can be believed

  4. “Denounce the source and walk away from it. The rest of us are doing what we can to help you, but you need to start helping yourselves.” – The Reply of Sane Americans

  5. MAGA is so fuckng depraved honestly there is no hope for them, they are sick destructive nihilists. Fuck these people.

  6. It’s all projection because a 2nd Trump administration would definitely be funneling FEMA money to his properties.

  7. Taking advantage of a tragedy to spread misinformation perfectly demonstrates what low life pieces of shit these people truly are.

  8. Crazy shit… And yet they have solid paths to control all three branches of government.

  9. Emotional_Beautiful8 on

    What’s bananas is these republicans in deep red states are also all for ending programs like FEMA and other federal aid programs because they think individuals should be able to take care of themselves.

    Make it make sense!

  10. Thoracic_Snark on

    I see this as less about Democrats controlling the weather and more about God hating conservatives.

  11. turb0_encapsulator on

    Just like the Republican Mayor of Springfield, Ohio. When do these guys wake up and realize that the party they are in no longer represents their interests?

  12. Id bet dollars to donuts the people saying fema isn’t there are also ardent trump supporters. Which Is Rich considering the long list of federal government organizations trump and co want to do away with

  13. Last-Juggernaut4664 on

    I wouldn’t be surprised if these conspiracy theories and rumors are being proliferated by Russian troll farms to hinder the response and further destabilize American society by fomenting distrust.

  14. CurrentlyLucid on

    Well, hopefully the difference between what they hear and what they see, will tell them who the liars are.

  15. Most of those conspiracy theories are Russian in origin.
    They’re just picked up and promoted by the right wing.
    The right wing has outsourced their production of fear porn

  16. “The president just called me … and I missed him and called him right back and he just said ‘Hey, what do you need?’ And I told him, you know, we’ve got what we need, we’ll work through the federal process,” Kemp said of Biden. “He offered if there are other things we need just to call him directly, which I appreciate that.”

    That is what no strings attached, president for all, leadership looks like.

  17. spacebarcafelatte on

    >“The biggest issue is rumors and fake memes and photos of people being trapped in areas around the county, and we send folks out to rescue them, and there’s no one there to be rescued,” Prather said, noting that such efforts require resources that could be used elsewhere.

    Just as intended, the low-information voters will help Republican legislators make the situation worse while blaming Biden.

    The people most frightened and most distrustful are making sure time and money get wasted by the government by spreading lies and rumors. And when Republicans who voted against FEMA aid money THE DAY BEFORE HELENE STRUCK tell them that money got spent on Ukraine because Biden hates Republicans, they will believe it.

    This is where blind faith gets you in politics.

  18. panmetronariston on

    If they stop the weather conspiracy stuff they really won’t have much to talk about. Though chemtrails are always fun. And 5G. And Obama.

  19. Republicans are finding out what happens when you let literal schizophrenics grab the steering wheel, and now they can deal with it.

    I’d rather elect a Dem who believes a man can become a woman than a Rep whose internal monologue sounds like a Dr. Bronner’s soap wrapper.

  20. ConsistentSwitch1957 on

    What a lot of people “outside looking” in don’t understand is we know metro areas are priority. There’re many more people who need immediate assistance first. There’s infrastructure needing to rebuilt first. Metro areas are the hubs, rural areas are the spokes.

    We understand parish, state, federal assistance will become available as teams work outward. It takes time & manpower. Worst case scenario is waiting a week or two to see them rolling in.

    In the meantime, communities pull together. Local police, fire & rescue do health checks making note of needs. Local residents head out with chainsaws, skids & ATVs to handle downed trees & debris. Communal meals are prepared & shared. Anyone with springs hand draws & shares water as needed. Yard eggs. Need some? Here’s a dozen for today. Garden produce. Need some? Here’s a basket fresh pict. Generator. Need gas? Here’s 5-gal to keep running.

    How do I know this? Hurricane Rita, Laura, & Delta flattened our area. Please don’t listen to porky potentates promoting preposterous nonsense. No one of any political affiliation will be left behind or have needs unmet. It just takes time.

  21. They know they can’t win the election so they are trying to radicalize their voters.