Trump Made Another Joke About Supporter Killed At Pennsylvania Rally: Report


  1. HandsomePistachio on

    >So they’re going to get millions of dollars but the woman, the wife, this beautiful woman, I handed her the cheque – we handed her the cheque – and she said, ‘This is so nice, and I appreciate it, but I’d much rather have my husband.’ Now, I know some of the women in this room wouldn’t say the same.

    >I know at least four couples. … At least four couples here would have been thrilled, actually.”

    I hate Trump so fucking much.

  2. account_for_yaoi on

    I think that him practically having intimate relations with his uniform at the RNC was enough of an insult.

  3. EmptyEstablishment78 on

    Ha, ha, ha, …in other news; Melania Trump stated she was so disappointed her husband’s assassin missed claiming, she missed out on millions of dollars and real estate since her husband survived. She stated; “It was nice he survived, but I would much rather have the money”.

  4. I know Trump says this to get laughs, which is real fucking gross in its own right, but he’s not joking. Trump does not understand the concept of a spouse actually loving their partner and wanting to be with them, so in his mind of course most people would be happy to accept a large sum of money over in exchange for becoming a widow. I know this sounds hyperbolic, but Trump genuinely does not love any of his family members or “friends”, he has no real personal relationships that he values, he simply does not care about anything or anyone other than himself. It will never not be stunning to me that roughly half the voting population wants a man like him to be in charge of the country.

  5. Very_Nice_Zombie on

    This orange scumbag is the most unpresidential person to have ever held office.

    Just a pure, straight up piece of shit.

    70 million idiots think this turd is their savior. I’m embarrassed to be American.

  6. ButterscotchBloozDad on

    Say what you may about lizard-brained men in cognitive decline in the sunset of their life. Say more about the army of orcs amassing behind the dipshit.

  7. empire_of_the_moon on

    Serious question: Who is paying these victims’ families?

    We know it’s not the perpetrator. They don’t have that kind of money.

    We know it’s not the government.

    We know it’s not Trump.

    I doubt it’s the Republican Party, we know who is in control of that money.

    So is it from a Go Fund Me type thing?

  8. So the ‘joke’ is aimed at an audience who literally is in the exact same position the poor fellow was when killed and, they laugh about it?

  9. When you know that he considers his core supporters to be beneath him, that he only ever really likes people that can give him things like money, information, or the like, it makes sense.

    The gutter trash average Maga is good for one thing, on one day, every couple of years. Otherwise he only wants them to buy his nfts, bibles, or fake internet money. He only wants them around to throw themselves at his detractors. They are nothing but expendable pawns

  10. Puzzled_Pain6143 on

    Republicans should follow Vance’s example and tired of the extreme missionary’s, enjoy the couch this election!
    PS: who does this dude think he is? Lawrence?

  11. Javasndphotoclicks on

    This asshole jokes that most people in the room would be just happy to take the money.

  12. Radiant-Pay1315 on

    This man is so manipulative. It really doesn’t take that much critical thinking to see he went from “I” handed the check to, “we” handed the check. He realized how we would be better even after saying the full sentence. And he does this constantly, where you see the real him, then his fake self. Like him using simple buzz definitive words like best, worst, always, never. So sad that people can’t see through him and credit him with positive metrics that he doesn’t deserve while ignoring the negative ones.

  13. obeytheturtles on

    The Boys literally did this same fucking plot this season where Homelander has a bunch of his supporters killed in a fake riot and then basically just shits on them for it.

  14. Ok-Abbreviations543 on

    What kind of cold-hearted, sick, sociopathic freak makes a joke about somebody dying at one of his events? The donvict is just a cruel, dark nut

  15. This woman will eventually wake up to the reality of what happened because she became a follower of his cult.

  16. He was sacrificed in place of Trump and is now treated like a punchline.

    > Corey Comperatore was shot dead after diving on members of his family to protect them as 20-year-old Thomas Crooks opened fire at the former president.

    >With life-changing” injuries: 57-year-old David Dutch and 74-year-old James Copenhaver.

    >Corey, who was an ardent supporter of the current Republican presidential candidate, had been excited for the July rally, his wife said.

    >”He just liked how [Trump] got things done, and that he wasn’t a politician and he didn’t talk like one.”

    >His wife said they believe Trump understands the lives of people like them, in places like Butler, a working-class community just north of Pittsburgh.

    Working class. Trump?!

  17. MightyMightyMag on

    I think I finally got it. I think the Ochre Oger is actually a patriot. He realized his Russian handlers are going to take it too far, and he’s doing everything he can to lose the election without getting eliminated himself.

  18. ALioninthestreet on

    Trump himself said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and not lose any support:

    Trump supporters love their candidate so much, they are willing to take a bullet for him…

  19. Pitiful-Bus-4791 on

    He sure has a great sense of humor! And that idiot woman will still vote for him.

  20. RussellStHustle on

    This man is just gross and an embarrassment and so is anyone that votes for him. Be upset with the current state of the country, I understand it. And sure Kamala isn’t the greatest candidate either. That’s just not a good enough of an excuse to put such a trashy, morally bankrupt, sexist, racist asshole in the White House

  21. If it was a funny joke, I’d be willing to shrug this off. But it is just a reminder that he’s a man who has no exposure to real people with real lives and real feelings. Apparently the only couples he knows are unhappy transactional ones where the wife is just waiting for the husband to die so she can get all his money. How is this funny?

  22. The media needs to remember this before they glaze the shit out of Trump when he goes back to Butler. CNN already sounds like they are making it some special event.

  23. Yeah, it shows a total lack of empathy towards people. This is nothing new everyone said this.