Toyota has announced that it will stop sponsoring LGBTQ parades and events, and will no longer promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.


  1. Toyota has also been the top donor to Republicans who tried to overthrow the Capitol on Jan 6^th .

    They are fundamentally an anti-American company.

    [Edit: People here seem to have trouble with reading comprehension. They’re the top donor to the **Sedition Caucus**, not the top donor to Republicans. Even after January 6^th they were the top supporter of election deniers and those who tried to violently overthrow the government chosen by the people. That’s very different from just supporting Republicans who advocate for different policies.]

    * [Toyota is the top donor to the ‘Sedition Caucus’ of Republicans who wouldn’t certify Biden’s win](

  2. Fair-Calligrapher-19 on

    There is a bit of a disingenuous nature to businesses involvement in Pride.  99% of the time it’s just a marketing campaign for them

  3. the_blackstrat on

    Glad to hear it. DEI initiatives do nothing but promote mediocrity and are fundamentally racist. Hopefully more large companies follow suit and we can get rid of this nonsense once and for all.

  4. StoNelChillBro on

    If companies are not people then we shouldn’t expect companies to hold any moral value.

  5. It’s poppin off in the mideast once again, those hiluxes will be selling like hot cake.

  6. Kobold-Helper on

    So what Toyota is saying is they actually want to make money instead of supporting a fraction of the population that will always find something to want to cancel Toyota about and not buy their cars anyway?

  7. FaultElectrical4075 on

    While support for lgbtq+ rights from big companies has also been kind of meaningless, it’s. Bad sign when they stop doing it

  8. Spineless.
    >A spokesman for the company on Thursday said Starbuck’s public attack drew a few hundred queries from employees, questions from a “small population” of dealers and about 30 customer calls to its call center. He described the impact as “negligible.”

    Robby Starbuck is a douche and failed Congressman wannabe (Tennessee RNC even removed him from the primary ballot).

  9. SomeoneBritish on

    Couldn’t care less about a car companies stance on these kinds of things. We just need to government to protect rights, and have the general public treat others with love and respect.

  10. On one hand: all companies are doing it for show, and in the real world it is just marketing to them. But on the other hand: dude you are being too honest it is worrying 😂

    It is like if Biden got asked about the middle east and he said idgaf, appreciate the honesty but good god

  11. Significant_Map122 on

    I wonder how many companies flip flopped when they said they support racial equality in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

  12. Actual-Money7868 on

    Tbh I’m glad. I’m apart of the community and so is some family members and I just find it cringe af. They don’t actually care otherwise the CEO, board members or whatever would do this on their personal time too and I pretty much guarantee they don’t.

    It’s PR and a way to heard cattle into the pen. Not a fan at all. LGBT people are known to have more expendable income due to no kids etc.

    Although as another commenter said it does seemingly make LGBT more normal in the mainstream (which is good) but this is a by product rather than the primary reason for the support.

    I don’t want politics involved with everything I buy. I just want a car.

  13. Sushrit_Lawliet on

    Fair I guess, they really didn’t want to do it and wanted to use it to whitewash their image. So I guess announcing they’re a bunch of clowns isn’t that bad. Let the customers vote with their wallets

  14. theshiftposter2 on

    Costing more than what it was worth. More and more businesses are realizing this. Nothing personal.

  15. No surprise there. Every time I see a truck with some right wing bumper stickers, or support for right wing candidates, it’s always a fucking Toyota!

  16. Ok so I won’t buy one when I next buy a car, and I currently have a Prius. Good luck selling Toyotas to the Midwest and South. I’m lying actually, I already wasn’t buying a Toyota because they sided with trump against California emissions standards.

  17. SpockShotFirst on

    Well, kids. Time to go to law school.

    Contrary to popular opinion, legal DEI programs are not allowed to have quotas or different hiring standards. They are primarily about education and they existed, in large part, so companies could claim that they did everything they could to prevent the bigoted hiring manager from being a bigot.

    Now, when the bigoted hiring manager makes bigoted hiring choices, a lawyer (you, if you play your cards right) can point to a company’s very public rejection of DEI education and get a jury to agree that they actively supported the bigoted hiring manager.

  18. rusty_handlebars on

    Thank goodness. Corporate sponsors of Pride parades make them unnecessarily long and boring!

  19. JustWastingTimeAgain on

    A YouTuber I used to follow for car news was going off on this invented scandal with Toyota and how it was putting his kids “at risk”. I couldn’t unfollow quickly enough, but sad to see this stupid ass take won the day with Toyota. Spineless.

  20. Ok-Perception8269 on

    Pride doesn’t mean anything. I’m gay and I haven’t been to Pride in years, and neither have most of my gay friends. Forced compliance with a left-wing coalition that doesn’t speak for me is total BS. Reddit is not reality.

  21. Corporations don’t care about anything other than making money. If being inclusive doesn’t do that then they just don’t care.

  22. These Pride events have, like most movements, become political. As in, “die, if you don’t think like us!” political. All rather unfortunate because Pride is important and necessary.

  23. Honestly if they are trying to cut expenses, I’d rather them rein in funding social causes than laying off employees.

  24. redvelvetcake42 on

    Ok? Basically they weren’t doing anything before and will continue doing nothing to actually help LGBT people. It’s all performative. They’ll probably still change their profile pics to rainbows for 30 days and say they appreciate their LGBT employees then move on.

  25. Reddit, in its infinite wisdom, placed a promoted post/ad for the Tacoma right under this one on my feed.

  26. Oh no! Anyway…..

    I don’t gove a crap if businesses have messaging, I just care if they make a good product.

    I’d rather they have absolutely zero messaging or stance on politics tbh.

  27. rainbow_natalia on

    In a statement released today, Toyota CEO Koji Sato said “I can excuse jihadis buying our products, but bisexuals? Miss me with that gay shit”

  28. Folding to terrorists, nice. Not that I was gonna it their shitty cars even before this, but I sure as shit never will now.

  29. FuckKarmeWhores on

    Wonna bet it’s someone there that think it’s God that keeps punishing them by making sure they can’t win Le Mans?
