Lebanon Areas Ordered for Evacuation by Israeli Army

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. denyer-no1-fan on

    I worry that Southern Lebanon will turn into another Gaza. The rest of Lebanon is already paralyzed by their many economic and political turmoil, they can’t afford another war and a few million Lebanese seeking refuge in their own country. They don’t deserve this….

  2. Icy-Improvement-8380 on

    Please dont forget many christian Lebanese villages there, and the Christian Arabs are innocent. Unfortunately their villages and churches yet also destroyed. I like the christian Arabs, because they are very kindly and educated people. I was in the school together with Maronite christian Lebanese who came to Germany in the 1980s as refugees from Lebanon and they was my favourite class mates.

  3. FallicRancidDong on

    This is sure gonna stabalize the region and not cause any hate between the locals who weren’t pro hezbullah before and Israel.

  4. NoWingedHussarsToday on

    Imagine any other army telling people “GTFO because we are going to level your village” and then saying it’s their fault that they died because they didn’t leave.

  5. Now do Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel. They warned civilians they would attack there too, right?

  6. SuitZestyclose4483 on

    I wonder why israel attacks northern lebanon even is it doesn’t have Hezbollah controlled/influenced regions ?

  7. Honest-Sprinkles6227 on

    since the colony was established by the British the middle hasn’t seen peace

  8. Royal_Cascadian on

    Because Israel actually sees Lebanon as its own country. Leave your home in another country because we, a different country told you to. Totally normal.

  9. Lebanon and the UN haven’t ignored resolution 1701. Israel has a right to enforce that resolution – which was agreed upon in the security council & will in and of itself repopulate Israel’s north whilst keeping Hezbollah’s short range rockets out of range.

  10. You have to remember that Israel is only trying to prevent a northern border attack on its civilians. The war is not against the Lebanese people, it’s against the terrorist organization that controls them and kept shutting rockets against Israeli cities. If a Mexican terror organization was shouting at Texas for a year, planing ground invasion and killing, would the US just expect that?

  11. *I wonder if this could cause it to escalate into a wider conflict?*

    ^(I think you’re required to say that every time the wider conflict is mentioned now. It’s like a good luck thing.)

  12. Intrepid-Treacle-862 on

    A lot of people will ignore the real reason israel is doing this (not covered by media). They fear another October 7th. Hezbollah is way more powerful than Hamas, their fighters are better trained and in general the northern Israeli communities are more vulnerable. Israel doesn’t just see this as a way of stopping rocket fire but Hezbollah existing is just unacceptable to the security of the nation. (If you believe the IDF, they say they found intelligence that Hezbollah had similar plans about conquering and assaulting north israel)

  13. zionists don’t want peace or security for their citizens. They want to steal more land and get more power, without an ounce of consciousness about the suffering they cause. 

     What about .. not bombing thousands of kids? Not murdering journalists ? Not destroying universities, hospitals, and olive fields??Israel 

  14. Dramatic-Key84 on

    They know the evacuation is impossible, they just use it as a self-justfication for slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians. Israel never changes

  15. Throwaway98796895975 on

    And they have the right to order another nations citizens to evacuate because of?

  16. electricoreddit on

    where are all the pro-ukranians protesting against israel’s SMO? where’s the outrage?!

  17. During the 2006 Lebanon war, Wikileaks released info that Lebanons government handed a not over to the Americans to tell Israel Lebanon won’t retaliate if Israel attacks Hezbollah and other Islamist strongholds, as long as they stay away from Christian areas.

    Then a few days ago Lebanons army completely left the south, which is essentially a wink and a nudge to invade.

    It would not shock me at all if Lebanon secretly works with Israel under the table in exchange for some perks.

    Majority of Lebanons government hates Hezbollah and their state within a state. Hezbollah army is bigger then Lebanons army.

    People forget that Palestinians wrecked Lebanon in the 70s, Hezbollah is a Iranian proxy, Christians were the majority until all the conflict and Muslims outbred them and made Christian’s leave, and Syria had de facto control over much of Lebanon for over 30 years.

    Lebanon and Israel have A LOT of common enemies and im sure in exchange for a nice condo in Dubai or a suitcase full of cash, many in Lebanons government has no problem giving intel to Israel

  18. Why is it “impossible” to tople the regime in Iran and put an end to all this bs?