Although the final decision on whether the diaspora will be able to vote in 2025 has not yet been made, it seems that the white-bearded community does not want to risk anything (as is to be expected) and movements have begun to see how it can be done. as many votes as possible. Apparently the patronages (perhaps the most degenerate species of the modern Albanian) have started to attack without one without two.
Of course, if we are going to hold a man to the highest standards, voting for a beard is a distinctive sign that says more about the character of an Albanian than his face (I would say that only the face is enough to understand him somewhere in the 90 % the character of an average Albanian born and raised in Albania for the first 18 years of life. 60 seconds of conversation is then enough to bring the certainty to 95%).
But for an Albanian (from Albania) wayfarer, the condemnation is on a completely different level and a special contempt is reserved for such people: because it requires a special talent to still take part in the zealous destruction of every beautiful and valuable thing in your place after leaving the last one behind.
And as a reminder, the bearded laraman made the call here is the square, here is the mejdani a few weeks ago. If there are any Albanians from the diaspora who, like me, are desperate and don’t know what to do to save the situation, you are welcome to consider this idea:\_drejt%C3%ABsie\_n%C3%AB\_k%C3%ABmb%C3%AB\_nga\_viena\_n%C3%AB\_tiran%C3%AB\_p%C3%ABr/.
Fillojnë Përgatitjet Për Krefjen E Votës Së Diasporës
byu/rlesii inalbania
Posted by rlesii
Pergezime per nismen, dhe megjithese eshte nje hap galopant, mendoj se ktu (ne Shqiperi) ka rene nje re e zeze dhe nje pesimizem qe nuk besoj se ka ndryshim nga ai i kohesh xhaxhit. (Dy Xhaxhat ngjasojne shume ne te gjitha aspektet).
Them pesimizem sepse shume jemi ne kte gjendje. Kur njeriu mendon se si do shtyje muajin, nuk mendoj se i del energjia por dhe deshira per te menduar per ndryshime qofte shoqerore, politike, familjare apo personale.
Kur.shqptiari.mestara.shrku.kshu (sepse sot te gjithe kane akses ne deklarimin e opinionit tyre prej IQ qepe), me duket e pamundur te besh 2 veta bashke per ndryshim.
Shiko psh partite e vogla: nuk bashkohen sepse njeri mendon se tjetri eshte i zhytur ne llum apo ka interesa te tjera nga pas te cilat nuk do duken deri ne momentin e zgjedhjeve ose akoma me keq, me vone 2025es.
Sufllaqexhinjt po perpiqen ti ngulin popllit, qe edhe per 4 vite do kemi faraonin, sepse ska alternative, sepse i ka fundosur, sepse i ka blere etj etj.
Dhe me thuaj, me cfare intelekti, shkon dikush nga diaspora te votoj (nese do votoj) faraonin, i cili eshte nje nga arsyet kryesore (ndoshta e vetmja) qe ai u largua ne rradhe te pare.
Sinqerisht nese diaspora voton, dhe faraoni ja del te marri nje pjese te madhe te votave (nqs sdo kete bere ndonje maskarallik), do te jete nje nga enigmat me te medha te ktij vendi pas UFO-ve ne Tomorr.