What do you think about this?

Posted by superaconi


  1. Various_You_5083 on

    Serbia being up there is a surprise .

    I thought Scandinavia would be higher considering they always seem to top these rankings

  2. Happiness is an emotional state thtat basically can’t be measured. The happiness index is very misleading

  3. Northlumberman on

    There’s remarkably little difference between most of the countries. Sweden is ranked pretty high at 7.03 and Spain pretty low at 6.49. But in practice they’re about the same given the difficulties involved in measuring happiness.

  4. Living in turkey is apparently more disappointing than the threat of being sent to the front lines in Ukraine …

  5. What is the metric here? Do higher numbers indicate greater happiness? Is there a source for this?

  6. Different_Run_3488 on

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  7. OStO_Cartography on

    As I always say when the hospital gives me one of those ‘How would you describe your pain on a scale of 0-10?’ queries, how could that possibly gauge anything? What if my 6 is your 10, or your 5 is my 3? It can only ever be totally arbitrary and completely personal. You can’t possibly extract any meaningful data sets covering whole populations from that.

  8. ColdJackfruit485 on

    What do Serbia, Iceland, and Lithuania all have in common? Sounds like the start of a joke. 

  9. Luxembourg can’t be true. Every young person there wants to flee the country because housing costs have become completely ridiculous. Maybe the number is that high because of the high number of immigrants?

  10. BadCorrect8132 on

    italy cound never be so high, every young italian i meet knows that in order to live decently he has to leave. Both workers and students.