I wouldn’t have thought having to pay to reject cookies was legal, I thought European laws meant you had to have the ability to reject 3rd party cookies ?


Posted by sebvettel


  1. Is it legal? Maybe, maybe not. The thing is nobody bloody knows because the EU did such a poor job of writing GDPR.

  2. You can reject all cookies for free by clicking the small “click here” link in the middle of that screenshot.

    They’re banking on dimwits thinking the only options are the two big blue buttons.

    Edit – checked and you can reject most, but not all cookies. There are some required for access.

  3. DexterousChunk on

    For situations like this it needs to be tested in a court of law. These companies are banking on winning and they’re interpreting GDPR a certain way. It’s like that bullshit “legitimate interest” clause that they auto turn on for you. 

    GDPR cookie controls should really be a browser level setting

  4. Likely not legal. It was allowed in Spain with guidance from the Spanish data protection agency, which is why everyone dodgy is doing it now.

    But it’s likely that it will not be viewed under the same light elsewhere in the EU. If it gets blocked elsewhere, Spain will eventually have to follow and block it again.

  5. I hate the sun, that’s a given.

    What I also hate is the enshitification of the net and websites in general.

    I used to build websites, now I actively avoid using the internet in general for this precise reason. I enjoyed Reddit until ads started to become punctuation rather than a passive thing.

    I’ll be off grid and cable cut before long I think, especially if this trend continues much more. Which it will.

  6. WeDoingThisAgainRWe on

    Currently is because they’re charging to use the site not to opt out of cookies but that’s because the laws aren’t tight enough to stop using cookies as a payment method. I believe it’s currently under debate so definitely legal for now since it requires debate.

  7. Consume a service for “free” and they will use data to target ads. Pay to not use your data and get random ads or choose not to use the service. All sound like legitimate free choices

  8. I’ve been using Brave browser for a year now and I’ve completely forgotten what ads look like. No pop up and no agreeing to anything.

  9. Unfortunately it isn’t only the Sun that has started this trick. I just block the site and find the information elsewhere.

  10. I clicked on one bullshit article and I read through and it said to see the article I must agree to let 1532 vendors access for 18 months. These should be opt in not opt out

  11. Just use duck duck go and accept all the cookies if you’re so inclined. you can just wipe em all off when you’re done by burning the page 👍🏻

    I still go through the tick boxes each time anyway though, just to spite them 😂