[OC] Political bias in representative democracy (U.S.A)

Posted by KabbalahDad


  1. 2FANeedsRecoveryMode on

    Cities are mostly liberal and rural are mostly conservative, not really the discovery of the ages, is it? Both are extremely important and vital to a country like the US’ success.

  2. We get it you value city folk over rural. You value popular vote over state sovereignty. You don’t like our system, then you can shove it. Those little red circles grow all the food and own all the guns.

  3. _AutomaticJack_ on

    Articulate, moving visualizations in my r/dataisbeautiful??? What manner of witchcraft is this?

    But seriously, this is the best work I’ve seen here in probably a month, maybe more. Congratulations.

  4. Why is it so horribly JPEG-compressed…

    No legend, no title, no reference to what election this was. Bad presentation.