“notorious offenders” LOL, these guys are brain dead and money hungry
absentmindedjwc on
Didn’t CrunchyRoll start as a pirate site?
DarthDarthula on
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ “oh well, onto the next site”
kna5041 on
So uhh what’s the website the title is talking about?
9-11GaveMe5G on
> Put on U.S. Government’s Radar as Major Threat
*In a shocking development today, Anime Piracy has claimed responsibility for the 9-11 attacks.*
DividedState on
Which one? Asking for a friend.
Ryzakiii on
Arnim Zola “Cut off one head 2 more take its place!” (Marvel Snap)
therossian on
So MPAA switched its name to MPA. Didn’t know that.
Captain_Aizen on
Just say the name of the site nobody wants to click in that fucking bullshit
SsooooOriginal on
Fucking clown world, this is a priority? Fucking really, *really*? Get a real job, ya bums. Stop wasting tax money on this bullshit, we have hungry kids.
Playful-Ad4556 on
Let me have something, world
Soggy-Software on
Glad they’ve got their priorities right
Sweet-Bookkeeper-188 on
How is this a threat but user agreements forfeiting legal rights isn’t a threat? Or the fact you can purchase something digital and have it taken away at any point without refund.
They just can’t stand to see us enjoy things.
“notorious offenders” LOL, these guys are brain dead and money hungry
Didn’t CrunchyRoll start as a pirate site?
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ “oh well, onto the next site”
So uhh what’s the website the title is talking about?
> Put on U.S. Government’s Radar as Major Threat
*In a shocking development today, Anime Piracy has claimed responsibility for the 9-11 attacks.*
Which one? Asking for a friend.
Arnim Zola “Cut off one head 2 more take its place!” (Marvel Snap)
So MPAA switched its name to MPA. Didn’t know that.
Just say the name of the site nobody wants to click in that fucking bullshit
Fucking clown world, this is a priority? Fucking really, *really*? Get a real job, ya bums. Stop wasting tax money on this bullshit, we have hungry kids.
Let me have something, world
Glad they’ve got their priorities right
How is this a threat but user agreements forfeiting legal rights isn’t a threat? Or the fact you can purchase something digital and have it taken away at any point without refund.