Okla. is buying schools 55,000 Bibles. Specs match the $60 Trump Bible.



  1. CaseyAnthonyIsHot on

    I don’t want to hear anyone advocate the Bible who doesn’t know Greek, Hebrew, and some ancient history. If you’re going to have people stake their lives on a book, you had better have more than passing knowledge of it.

  2. So, over $3 million in taxpayer money funneled into a Trump bribe. Hope some Oklahomans see federal prison time for this.

  3. Invisible_Mikey on

    I wonder how many books teachers and librarians wanted they banned in favor of this.

  4. Too bad the staff at the schools will not get that badly needed money. Oklahoma needs to pay their personnel better. WHAT A WASTE!

  5. NeverSayNever2024 on

    Don’t the parents of these kids have bibles at home? Why does the state have to buy them? Have the parents supply them.

  6. 10th Commandment:

    >You shall not covet your neighbor’s **wife, or his male or female slaves**, his ox or donkey, or anything that **belongs to your neighbor.**


  7. Teachers: we would like to be able to afford to live and do what we love.

    Repubs: lmao, no. Here’s some bibles.

  8. Such a brutally obvious grift. This is effectively a campaign donation directly to Trump. Or realistically, right into Trump’s bank account.

  9. notcaffeinefree on

    If the Trump Bible is actually picked, hopefully someone immediately sues since it doesn’t actually fully meet the legally required specs (it doesn’t contain the *full* Constitution, in it’s entirety).

  10. This means that OK can also spend money on Satanic Temple literature. Right guys? 😬

  11. citymousecountyhouse on

    Don’t the Gideon’s give those out for free? Is there something wrong with those Bibles? Have they been recalled?

  12. NotObviouslyARobot on

    Constitution of the State of Oklahoma:

    SECTION II-5 Public money or property – Use for sectarian purposes. **No public money or property shall ever be appropriated, applied, donated, or used, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, or system of religion**, or for the use, benefit, or support of any priest, preacher, minister, or other religious teacher or dignitary, or sectarian institution as such.

    Ryan Walters is pissing on his own state’s Constitution

  13. Religion is/conservatives are such a fucking cancer on society. This is nothing more than stealing public education funds FROM CHILDREN to funnel it to dear leader.

  14. “Ryan Walters can find $6 million to buy Bibles and force them into public schools, yet cannot manage $250,000 with very specific instructions on how to get inhalers into classrooms,” Dollens said. “Maybe if the inhalers were branded with Trump logos, they would have already been in there.”

    Says it all, right there.

  15. They’re sending taxpayer money that was supposed to be for education to trump, the guy who wants to abolish the department of education and “loves the uneducated”, in exchange for bibles so they can indoctrinate children into one specific religion while in school…

    These people are truly disgusting