FBI alert reveals Melbourne teenager’s plot to shoot school, derail train, poison water supply, court hears

Posted by HiAustralia


  1. >A Melbourne teenager was allegedly preparing a shooting spree at his former high school and planning to plant bombs at a university, derail a train and poison the city’s water supply, as revealed in a series of handwritten notes uncovered by counterterrorism police in his home, a court has heard.
    The 19-year-old, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had allegedly obtained parts to build a gun, a small cache of weapons, chemicals to manufacture explosives, and tactical gear including a ballistic vest and helmet.

    >The notes were also said to outline plans to carry out a shooting at a bus stop using a homemade firearm, bomb a university, derail a train using chemicals to erode the tracks, poison the water supply, poison members of the public with manufactured poisons, shoot police officers, and shoot at his old school.
    The teenager was arrested and had his firearm licence suspended. He provided a “no comment” interview and was released shortly after, pending an investigation into the chemicals uncovered at his home.

    >Police raided the teenager’s home again in April and uncovered a bayonet, flick knife, slingshot, military tactical vest with ballistic plate carriers, tactical knee pads, tactical helmet with a camera mount, GoPro-style camera, gas mask, firearm shoulder holster and shooting range targets, the court heard.


    I mean I got up to some naughty shit in my teens but nothing quite that bad.

  2. Wait 🫷 you’re telling me America can identify potential school shootings on the other side of the world but can’t seem to effectively do it in America?

  3. >The teenager, who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder … was in the process of creating a blueprint of his former high school on the video game *Minecraft* called “Minecraft school incident”.

    A note allegedly written by the teenager:

    >*“By the time police arrive, I can imagine them breaking down the door, coming into the house and seeing the gory mess. I hope it’s one or two cops’ first day of work, and when they see the bodies, it haunts them for life. True, call me disturbed if you want, but I simply don’t care. You could be a principal reading this and realising there could be a possible killer in the school, but I don’t care … Just a word of advice if you’re a principal reading this: if you expel me and put a restraining order on me, I’ll show up anyway, kill a random student before I kill myself.”*… **I believe that children that end up murdering their parents because of violence are not criminals, they are merely victims pushed to this point.”**

  4. Maybe he forgot he is not living in Call of Duty: War Zone episode!
    I thought I was naughty and got up to no good when I was a teenager but this guy is next level doozy. Interesting he had a fire arm licence!? Wow 😲

  5. Parenting is hard, but fuck this guy for this quote.

    > The teenager’s father told the court the notes were an outlet for his son to express his frustration and he was not concerned about his influence on his siblings or his potential for violence at home. He said he would reduce his time at work to monitor his son and keep his son at home.
    > “I wasted my 19 years with him, I do not want to waste more time. I really want to do something to save him,” he said.

  6. Reading the article, the parents are pushing for the kid to be allowed to stay at home – the dad says he works too much so he’ll cut back his hours to spend more time with his 19 year old son.

    It’ll be on them if he gets bail and kills people, which he seems determined to do.

  7. Having some of that shit imported would already have drawn attention. A search of his PC / phone / devices will find out more. Be interesting to find out what chemicals he had stockpiled.

    To have all that shit & then be scribbling notes to himself about his plans & leaving them around his home. As well as an electronic footprint of his activities, some which would have been “flagged” or set of “alerts”.

    Not the smartest lad.

    There are some things you just keep to yourself…………….

  8. For anyone who hasn’t read the article in full, the person it’s about is not currently released on bail. There is a bail hearing happening and the judge hasn’t decided yet.

    He was previously released on bail after being arrested for improperly storing ammunition, possessing housebreaking implements, and possessing explosive substances without excuse.

    Let’s hope the judge gets it right this time. The guy either needs to be in jail or some kind of psychiatric facility.

  9. Just a word that they’re an about to lock ip 10 year olds in the NT for far less psychopathy … but hey.