Researchers propose a new paradigm for economic performance and sustainability: they argue that organizations fostering prosocial behaviors by prioritizing collaboration and collective well-being are more likely to succeed over time than businesses that focus on self-interest and short-term gains.


  1. Wouldn’t that be lovely if that way of thinking was adopted..

    But I’m skeptical. I’ve been on enough quarterly earning report calls to doubt that the long term will ever truly beat out the short on a corporate level.

    Fingers crossed.

  2. IllustriousClock767 on

    The headline is a little misleading, I skimmed through the article and it seemed to be referring to groups *within* organisations (ie individuals); rather than the organisations being the (self interested or otherwise) groups.

  3. CaregiverNo3070 on

    Hmm, apparently syndicalism is a new concept that has only just been discovered, who knew? Only every socialist ever.  What’s old is new again. What’s new becomes old again. Never shall the two meet. And even before syndicalism, many indigenous tribes practiced this, with David graeber citing indigenous writings supporting Rousseau and others in fighting French colonialism and leading to the French revolution. 

    Our system perpetually isolates us in a neverending cycle of individualism, and when people break out of that, it’s taken as a unique thing, rather than the other side of history that isn’t taught. Why isn’t it taught? Who benefits from it being taught? Certainly not congressmen, certainly not priests, certainly not generals. And so long as it is taught among the political, among the religious, among the militaristic, it is taught for the benefit of the priests, for the benefit of the politicians, for the benefit of the generals in an environment that justifies and reinforces their power. Our power though? Must always be seen as intrinsically tied to theirs. 
    It’s a collective Stockholm syndrome. 

    It’s why many progressive Jews are being fired right now for their nonsupport of Israel, and why their actions need to be framed by the establishment as individualistic actions isolated from any sort of coherent group narrative, and to the extent there is a group narrative, it’s a dehumanized narrative that denies the exact same rationales afforded to allies. Jews have a right to self defense because they are our allies of the same skin color, but say that Arabs do too and your accused of betraying your friends and family for people who aren’t even of the same skin color as you. Who made them our enemy in the first place? The people firing us, the administrators, the officials, the generals and priests. They tell us to fight our enemy, and each time we do, they find another enemy to fight. And when we start to ask where they keep finding all these enemies, they tell us they found one in us. 

  4. The biggest problem here is that the vast majority of people who would willingly take on the job of CEO are self-interested and obsessed with short-term gains.