Thank you Sweden

Posted by jiri411


  1. always_wear_pyjamas on

    My tongue recoils from just seeing a picture of these. But wow they are so good. It’s a bit like taking an ice bath. You really don’t want to go in, but.

  2. I thought I could handle any amount of liquorice saltiness until I tried this. Goddamn, that shit is salty.

  3. I’m Finnish, so my tolerance is a bit higher when it comes to salmiakki.

    When I have a craving for something salty, two pieces usually does it. If I have four, I’ll feel a bit nauseous. Half a jar and I’ll have heart palpatations.

    I love it.

  4. I love salty liqorice but to me, Svenskjävlar are disgusting after more than one. They taste nothing but salt. 

  5. alexx098-xbox on

    Har du hört om den unga kvinnan som höll på dö av att äta för mycket lakrits.

  6. Have not tried “Svenskkävlar” but a coworker once offered me a “Tomtejävlar”. I accepted and luckily only started nibbling at it at my office desk. It definitely had a kick to it. If I had put the entire thing in my mouth I would have been running to the cafeteria for some water. Not eating one of those things again.