Boris Johnson tells ITV News he regrets apologising for Partygate

Posted by The-Peel


  1. AerodynamicHandshake on

    Fair enough. It was such a non-story that got way out of hand.

    Should have been using taxpayers money to get his leg over with a Septic that did it.

  2. Curryflurryhurry on

    Could this guy get any more juvenile? It’s like dealing with a 13 year old.

    I didn’t have a party

    I did have a party and I’m sorry

    Ha ha ha I’m not really sorry it was an ace party we had a cake and a bouncy castle nah nah na na nah.

    This from a grown man in his 50s or 60s or whatever

    Just fuck off Boris you twat. No one under 80 gives a shit about you.

  3. The biggest takeaway from partygate was that politicians didn’t give a shit about covid despite what they were telling us…and you’d think they’d be in a position to know the real risks

  4. Alive_kiwi_7001 on

    …but won’t say if he regrets apologising to the Queen, having set himself up for the obvious question.

    It’s amazing how some people think this pillock is smart.

  5. Salaried_Zebra on

    I tell you something else he really should regret: that pathetic attempt at mutton chops. Either commit to them and grow them out ahead of the interview, or thoroughly shave your face and make sure you don’t miss a spot.

  6. Of course he does. Because he’s a disgusting cowardly little cretin who doesn’t give a shit about anything except himself and his own gratification, whether that be by lying, power-grabbing, or attempting to fornicate with anything that moves.

  7. HyperionSaber on

    Well he said it towards the end of his tenure, and if anyone still believed a word he said by that point then they are beyond help. Even the people that like him must know he’s always lying.

  8. Acceptable_Beyond262 on

    The fact the British population voted this Buffon into power makes us all look stupid

  9. He’s making a play for a come back, the current crop of tory leadership candidates are about as bland as a toast sandwich, and he knows they won’t last long. He’s betting on the British publics short collective memory of his chaotic tenure, and Kier Starmer’s ratings continuing to drop. The sad thing is it might just work.

  10. And hopefully this interview is the end of him. As the ‘incident’ with Kuennsberg should be the end of her too.

  11. MeanCustardCreme on

    Controversial take: but he’s right. The blanket apology at the beginning was as if to give an admission of guilt across the board which is what the press and most people seemed to run with. That alone was a terrible move politically, and also to hold a party in the first place. Personally I didn’t see an issue with it since they were all working in close contact anyway. The main problem was the hypocrisy around it, although I can also see the other perspective which is: the rules were already confusing enough as it were, so adding more rules around say, colleagues working indoors allowed to be gathering for socials, would add to that.

  12. He has picked Partygate because that was obviously the one that made the headlines. Completely ignoring that he was brought down by constant scandal and lies. Here we all are talking about this cunt again because he is using public outage at his behaviour to sell his latest book. It isn’t said nearly enough but fuck this guy.

  13. If you could turn his hubris into an energy source then we could solve the global energy crisis over night. He truly believes he can do no wrong and that his word is enough to trump reality. The sad thing is that people will still believe him and be swayed by his waffle, even though he happily partied while the NHS crumbled.

  14. That c*nts photo should be on the front of every Tory campaign leaflet for the next twenty years. Those of us who had to watch relatives die isolated in hospital while he was holding drinks parties will not forget.

  15. I don’t remember any pathetic or grovelling apologies, but I do remember all the times he said that everyone was complying to the rules at all times.

    Maybe he had caught dementia from his mate Trump.

  16. thefooleryoftom on

    He should be forced to listen to that poor woman breaking down on LBC about her daughter who committed suicide.

    He’s utter scum.

  17. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    Just shows how insincere and deceitful he is. Not traits of a decent person. Good riddance