China now more ‘audacious and sophisticated’ in foreign-interference operations, Hogue inquiry told


  1. >*Officials from the Communications Security Establishment told the Foreign Interference Commission Thursday that China, Russia, Iran and North Korea pose a cyber threat to Canada, but they also identified India and Saudi Arabia as growing players in foreign meddling here.*

    >*CSE Chief Caroline Xavier singled out the People’s Republic China (PRC) as the greater threat because of its relentless cyber and foreign-influence operations in Canadian domestic affairs.*

    >*“The PRC is a sophisticated actor, a persistent actor, a patient actor,” she said, calling Beijing a “strategic threat toward Canada.”*

    >*Ms. Xavier testified to the inquiry headed by Marie-Josée Hogue that China “permeates multiple spaces, online and otherwise,” even “where one might not necessarily expect,” and is heavily involved in software development, telephone companies, and applications such as popular social-media platform TikTok.*


    >*In a pre-hearing interview made public Thursday, Ms. Tayyeb said Russia has not appeared interested in meddling in Canadian elections specifically. Its cyber efforts seem more aimed at sowing mistrust.*

    >*Russia does have a long-standing campaign to discredit the U.S. and its allies, and Western democracy in general, which affects Canada and other allies, according to the summary of her interview. Ms. Tayyeb added that CSE has observed Russian cyber threat activity in Canada, but not directed against Canadian democratic institutions.”*


    >*Global Affairs reported in July, 2023, that the department’s RRM detected a disinformation operation on WeChat directed against Conservative foreign affairs critic Michael Chong in May of that year.*

    >*That same month, Mr. Chong learned from The Globe and Mail that Beijing had targeted him and his relatives in Hong Kong in the lead-up to the 2021 election, a revelation that led the federal government to expel a Chinese diplomat behind the effort.*

    >*The government later disclosed that former Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole and NDP MP Jenny Kwan had also been targeted by Beijing in 2021 – and that they remained targets.*

  2. Just automatically add anyone that is part of BRICS to the list.   

    Everyone already knows this is a weiner waving contest for countries that want to avoid being sanctioned for wrongthink.

  3. ProofByVerbosity on

    Can we address the elephant in the room? Western nations have been doing similar or worse for decades. We are surprised other countries are pulling this on the west?

  4. Easy when we have corrupt politicians easy to be bribe and has no issues selling our right and Canada away for personal gain.

  5. BredYourWoman on

    We’re about to see another round of interference by foreign entities in 3 days. I’m going to polish up on my middle finger skills for when I drive past those highway overpasses waving flags on Monday